An Android List View implementation with support for drawable cells and many other swipe related features
RESTrung was born out of the need to add swipe gestures to ListView on Android for @ 47 Degrees Clients. Contributions and constructive feedback are welcome.
SwipeListView may be automatically imported into your project if you already use Maven. Just declare android-swipelistview as a maven dependency. If you wish to always use the latest unstable snapshots, add the Sonatype repository where the SwipeListView snapshot artifacts are being deployed. SwipeListView official releases will be made available at Maven Central.
You can get the releases, snapshots and other forms in which SwipeListView is distributed from the Downloads page.
SwipeListView depends on the following libraries.
- com.nineoldandroids
SwipeListView expect that you include one the google android compatibility libraries in order to use Loaders in versions that do not support them natively. Depends on your requirements you may choose to include one of the following...
- :
- support-v4 (Available in Maven Central)