Professional media review software for VFX, animation, and film.
Features include:
- Real-time image sequence and movie playback
- Support for industry standard file formats including OpenEXR, DPX, and Cineon
- Available for Linux, OS X, and Windows
DJV is released under a BSD style open source license, see this page for details.
Required build tools:
- C++11 compiler
- CMake 3.12
- git
Required libraries:
First clone the repository:
> git clone djv-git
Then create a new sub-directory and start the build:
> mkdir djv-git-Debug
> cd djv-git-Debug
> make -j
After the build completes add the install path to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH:
> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$PWD/install/lib
Run the confidence tests:
> make test
Run the djv_view application:
> ./build/bin/djv_view
Additional information on building DJV can be found here: