***** * ** ******* ***** * **
* *** * *** * *** * *** ****
** ** * ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** **
** * * * * ** * * ** ** ** ** ** **
*** * *** * *** * ** ** ** ** *** *** *
******* * ********* ******* *** * *** *** *** *** *******
*** * ***** *** *** *** *** *** *****
" No Resharper comands just pure VS
" sistem clipboard disabled because x will lose focus in visual studio
" set clipboard=unnamed " Sets system synchronized clipboard register
set number " Enables line numbering
set relativenumber " Enables relative line numbering. Along with `number` being set, produces hybrid line number mode
set cursorline " Highlights the current line
set ignorecase " Enables case-insensitive search
set smartcase " Enables smart case search, which is case-insensitive unless uppercase letters are used
set hlsearch " Enables highlighting of all matches for the search pattern
" Sets the leader key
let mapleader="\<Space>"
" Unbinds the Space key as it's used as the leader key
nnoremap <Space> <NOP>
" `Esc` - Remove search highlights
nnoremap <Esc> :nohl<CR>
" `<leader> + <leader>` - Start vim search
nnoremap <leader><leader> /
" `<Alt> + z` - Toggle word wrap
noremap <A-z> :vsc Edit.ToggleWordWrap<CR>
" Clipboard shorcuts
" `Y(ank)` or `<leader> + y`- Copy to sistem clipboard
" `YY(ank)` or `<leader> + Y`- Copy line to sistem clipboard
" `<leader> + p(aste)` - Paste in visual mode without changing clipboard
" `<leader> + P(aste)` - Paste from sistem clipboard
noremap Y "+y
noremap YY ^"+y$
vnoremap <leader>p "_dP
noremap <leader>P "+p
noremap <leader>y "+y
noremap <leader>Y "+Y
" Append coding most used chars
" `<leader> + .` - Append a period to the end of the current line
" `<leader> + ,` - Append a comma to the end of the current line
" `<leader> + ;` - Append a semicolon to the end of the current line
" `<leader> + x` - Delete the last character of the current line
noremap <leader>. :norm A.<CR>
noremap <leader>, :s/\v\s*(,\s*)*$/,/<CR>:nohl<CR>
noremap <leader>; :s/\v\s*(;\s*)*$/;/<CR>:nohl<CR>
noremap <leader>x :s/.\{1}$//<CR>:nohl<CR>
" Line numbers
" `<leader> + n(umber) + a(bsolute)` - Set absolute line numbers
" `<leader> + n(umber) + r(elative)` - Set relative line numbers
noremap <leader>na :set rnu!<CR>
noremap <leader>nr :set rnu<CR>
" Tabs
" `<leader> + w(indow) + p(in)` - Toggle the pin status of the document
" `<leader> + w(indow) + c(lose) + a(ll)` - Close all unpinned docusments
" `<leader> + w(indow) + c(lose)` - Close documents
" `<leader> + w(indow) + s(elect)` - Add a tab to the selection
" `<leader> + w(indow) + d(own)` - Navigate to the next tab
" `<leader> + w(indow) + u(p)` - Navigate to the previous tab
" `<leader> + w(indow) + c(lose) + u(ndone)` - Restore the last closed tab
noremap <leader>wp :vsc Window.PinTab<CR>
noremap <leader>wca :vsc Window.CloseAllButPinned<CR>
noremap <leader>wc :vsc Window.CloseDocumentWindow<CR>
noremap <leader>ws :vsc Window.AddTabtoSelection<CR>
noremap <leader>wd :vsc Window.NextTab<CR>
noremap <leader>wu :vsc Window.PreviousTab<CR>
noremap <leader>wcu :vsc Window.RestoreClosedTab<CR>
" `<leader> + 1-0` - Easy tabs navigatioon Harpoon like
" Hot tabs exttension https://github.com/justcla/HotTabs
noremap <leader>1 :vsc Window.GoToPinnedTab1<CR>
noremap <leader>2 :vsc Window.GoToPinnedTab2<CR>
noremap <leader>3 :vsc Window.GoToPinnedTab3<CR>
noremap <leader>4 :vsc Window.GoToPinnedTab4<CR>
noremap <leader>5 :vsc Window.GoToPinnedTab5<CR>
noremap <leader>6 :vsc Window.GoToPinnedTab6<CR>
noremap <leader>7 :vsc Window.GoToPinnedTab7<CR>
noremap <leader>8 :vsc Window.GoToPinnedTab8<CR>
noremap <leader>9 :vsc Window.GoToPinnedTab9<CR>
noremap <leader>0 :vsc Window.GoToPinnedTab10<CR>
noremap <leader>w1 :vsc Window.GoToUnpinnedTab1<CR>
noremap <leader>w2 :vsc Window.GoToUnpinnedTab2<CR>
noremap <leader>w3 :vsc Window.GoToUnpinnedTab3<CR>
noremap <leader>w4 :vsc Window.GoToUnpinnedTab4<CR>
noremap <leader>w5 :vsc Window.GoToUnpinnedTab5<CR>
noremap <leader>w6 :vsc Window.GoToUnpinnedTab6<CR>
noremap <leader>w7 :vsc Window.GoToUnpinnedTab7<CR>
noremap <leader>w8 :vsc Window.GoToUnpinnedTab8<CR>
noremap <leader>w9 :vsc Window.GoToUnpinnedTab9<CR>
noremap <leader>w0 :vsc Window.GoToUnpinnedTab10<CR>
" Format code
" `=` - Reformat code in the selected scope
" `=a` - Reformat code in the document
" `<leader> + r(emove) + s(ort)` - Remove and sort 'usings'
noremap = :vsc Edit.FormatSelection<CR>
nnoremap =a :vsc Edit.FormatDocument<CR>
nnoremap <leader>rs :vsc Edit.RemoveAndSort<CR>
" Tabs navigation
" `<Alt> + j` - Navigate to the next tab
" `<Alt> + k` - Navigate to the previous tab
" You might want to change these if you prefer horizontal tabs loayout
noremap <A-j> :vsc Window.NextTab<CR>
noremap <A-k> :vsc Window.PreviousTab<CR>
" noremap <A-l> :vsc Window.NextTab<CR>
" noremap <A-h> :vsc Window.PreviousTab<CR>
" Visual studio quick actions and completitions
" `<Alt> + <Enter>` - Show action indicators and action list
" `<Ctrl> + <Space>` - Provide a completion list for partially typed words
noremap <A-CR> :vsc View.QuickActions<CR>
noremap <C-Space> :vsc Edit.CompleteWord<CR>
" `K` - Show quick information and/or parameter details tooltip
nnoremap K :vsc Edit.QuickInfo<CR>
nnoremap L :vsc Edit.ParameterInfo<CR>
" Navigation
" `]` - Navigate to the next member / type / tag
" `[` - Navigate to the previous member / type / tag
noremap ] :vsc Edit.NextMethod<CR>zz
noremap [ :vsc Edit.PreviousMethod<CR>zz
" `<Ctrl> + -` - Move backward through navigation history
" `<Ctrl> + =` - Move forward through navigation history
noremap <C--> :vsc View.NavigateBackward<CR>
noremap <C-=> :vsc View.NavigateForward<CR>
" Improves navigation when wrapping
" by swapping `j` with `gj` and `k` with `gk`
nnoremap j gj
nnoremap gj j
nnoremap k gk
nnoremap gk k
" Go to commands
" `<leader> + g(o) + d(eclaration)` - Navigate to a declaration of a symbol
" `<leader> + g(o) + p(eek)` - Peed Definition
" `<leader> + g(o) + i(mplementation)` - Navigate to implementation of a type or a type member
" `<leader> + f(ind) + a(ll)` - Find usages of any symbol from the solution and referenced assemblies
" `<leader> + g(o) + s(olution)` - Open solution explorer
" `<leader> + g(o) + f(ile)` - Go to file
" `<leader> + g(o) + a(ctive) + s(olution)` - Go to active file in solution explorer
noremap <leader>gd :vsc Edit.GoToDefinition<CR>
noremap <leader>gp :vsc Edit.PeekDefinition<CR>
noremap <leader>gi :vsc Edit.GoToImplementation<CR>
noremap <leader>fa :vsc Edit.FindAllReferences<CR>
nnoremap <leader>gs :vsc View.SolutionExplorer<CR>
nnoremap <leader>gf :vsc File.OpenContainingFolder<CR>
nnoremap <leader>gas :vsc SolutionExplorer.SyncWithActiveDocument<CR>
" Find and replace
nnoremap g/r :vsc Edit.Replace<CR>
" Git comands
" `<leader> + g(it) + c(ommit) - Git window`
" `<leader> + g(it) + r(epository) - Git repository window`
nnoremap <leader>gc :vsc View.GitWindow<CR>
nnoremap <leader>gr :vsc View.GitRepositoryWindow<CR>
" Add class
" `<leader> + a(dd) + c(lass)` - Add a new class to the project
nnoremap <leader>ac :vsc Project.AddClass<CR>
" Find window (Ctrl+,)
" `<leader> + f(ind) + f(iles)` - Search project items or locate a type
" `<leader> + f(ind) + m(ember)` - Navigate to a file member or a textual occurrence
" `<leader> + f(ind) + w(ord)` - Navigate to a text occurrence in code and textual files
" `<leader> + f(ind) + l` - Navigate to a recent file
noremap <leader>ff :vsc Edit.GoToType<CR>
noremap <leader>fm :vsc Edit.GoToMember<CR>
noremap <leader>fw :vsc Edit.GoToAll<CR>
nnoremap <leader>fl :vsc Edit.GoToRecentFile<CR>
" Go to Errors
" `<leader> + e(rror)` - Navigate forwards through all issues detected in the current file
" `<leader> + E(rror)` - Navigate backwards through all issues detected in the current file
noremap <leader>e :vsc View.NextError<CR>
noremap <leader>E :vsc View.PreviousError<CR>
" Test Runner
" `<leader> + t(est) + r(un)` - Run unit tests from the current context
" `<leader> + t(est) + a(ll)` - Run all the tests in the solution
" `<leader> + t(est) + l(ast)` - Repeat a previous test run
" `<leader> + t(est) + f(ailed)` - Run only previously failed tests
" `<leader> + t(est) + c(over) + a(ll)` - Cover all tests in the solution
" `<leader> + t(est) + d(ebug)` - Start debugging the selected test
" `<leader> + t(set) + s(how) + s(essions)` - Show the unit test sessions window
" `<leader> + t(set) + s(how) + c(overage)` - Show the unit tests coverage results browser
noremap <leader>tr :vsc TestExplorer.RunSelectedTests<CR>
noremap <leader>ta :vsc TestExplorer.RunAllTests<CR>
noremap <leader>tl :vsc TestExplorer.RepeatLastRun<CR>
noremap <leader>tf :vsc TestExplorer.RunFailedTests<CR>
noremap <leader>td :vsc TestExplorer.DebugSelectedTests<CR>
noremap <leader>tss :vsc TestExplorer.ShowTestExplorer<CR>
noremap <leader>tsc :vsc View.CodeCoverageResults<CR>
" Debuging
" `<leader> + b + b(reakpoint)` - Toggle a breakpoint at the current line
" `<leader> + b(reakpoints) + d(isable)` - Disable all breakpoins
" `<leader> + b(reakpoints) + e(nable)` - Enable all breakpoints
" `<leader> + b(reakpoints) + r(emove)` - Remove all breakpoints
" `<leader> + b(reakpoints) + a(ll)` - Show the breakpoints list
noremap <leader>bb :vsc Debug.ToggleBreakpoint<CR>
noremap <leader>bd :vsc Debug.DisableAllBreakpoints<CR>
noremap <leader>be :vsc Debug.EnableAllBreakpoints<CR>
noremap <leader>br :vsc Debug.DeleteAllBreakpoints<CR>
noremap <leader>ba :vsc Debug.Breakpoints<CR>
" Building and debugging
" `<leader> + s(tart) + b(uild)` - Build the solution
" `<leader> + s(tart) + n(bew build)` - Rebuild the solution
" `<leader> + s(tart) + c(lean)` - Clean the solution
" `<leader> + s(tart) + b(uild)` + s(election) - Build the project that is currently selected
" `<leader> + s(tart) + c(lean)` + s(election) - Clean the project that is currently selected
" `<leader> + s(tart) + d(ebug)` - Start with debugging
" `<leader> + s(tart) + r(un)` - Run without debugging
" `<leader> + s(tarted) + b(uild) + c(ancel)` - Cancel the build
" `<leader> + s(tarted) + d(ebug) + c(ancel)` - Stop debugging
noremap <leader>sb :vsc Build.BuildSolution<CR>
noremap <leader>sn :vsc Build.RebuildSolution<CR>
noremap <leader>sc :vsc Build.CleanSolution<CR>
noremap <leader>ss :vsc Build.BuildSelection<CR>
noremap <leader>sC :vsc Build.CleanSelection<CR>
noremap <leader>sd :vsc Debug.Start<CR>
noremap <leader>sr :vsc Debug.StartWithoutDebugging<CR>
noremap <leader>sB :vsc Build.Cancel<CR>
noremap <leader>sD :vsc Debug.StopDebugging<CR>
" Debuging steps
" `<leader> + q(ick) + w(atch)` - Show the QuickWatch dialog box
" `<Ctrl> + <Left>` - Move execution pointer to the selected statement
" `<Ctrl> + <Right>` - Step over
" `<Ctrl> + <Down>` - Step into
" `<Ctrl> + <Up>` - Step out
nnoremap <Leader>qw :vsc Debug.QuickWatch<CR>
nnoremap <C-Left> :vsc Debug.SetNextStatement<CR>
nnoremap <C-Right> :vsc Debug.StepOver<CR>
nnoremap <C-Down> :vsc Debug.StepInto<CR>
nnoremap <C-Up> :vsc Debug.StepOut<CR>
" Comments commands
" `<leader> + /` - Comment/uncomment the current line
" `<leader> + kc` - Comment the selection
" `<leader> + ku` - Uncomment the selection
" `<leader> + kw` - Comment the selection with /* */
noremap <leader>/ :vsc Edit.ToggleLineComment<CR>
noremap <leader>kc :vsc Edit.CommentSelection<CR>
noremap <leader>ku :vsc Edit.UncommentSelection<CR>
vnoremap <leader>kw di/*<Esc>pa*/<Esc>
nnoremap <leader>kw diwi/*<Esc>pa*/<Esc>
" Regions expand and collapse
" `<leader>mx` - Expand all regions
" `<leader>cx` - Collapse all regions
" `<leader>cc` - Collapse current region
nnoremap <leader>mx :vsc Edit.ExpandAllOutlining<CR>
nnoremap <leader>cx :vsc Edit.CollapseAllOutlining<CR>
nnoremap <leader>cc :vsc Edit.CollapseCurrentRegion<CR>
" Save files
" `<leader> + s(ave) a(ll)` - Save all
" `<leader> + s(ave) f(ile)` - Save all
nnoremap <leader>sa :vsc File.SaveAll<CR>
nnoremap <leader>sf :vsc File.SaveSelectedItems<CR>
" Refactoring commands
" `<leader> + r(efactor) + r(ename)` - Refactor Rename
" `<leader> + r(efactor) + m(ethod)` - Refactor Method
" `<leader> + r(efactor) + s(urround)` - Surround with
" `<leader> + r(efactor) + i(nterface)` - Refactor Interface
" `<leader> + c(ons) + t(ructor)` - Snipet create constructor.
" `<leader> + p(roper) + t(y)` - Snipet create property.
" `<leader> + d(ouble)` - Duplicate Selection
nnoremap <leader>rr :vsc Refactor.Rename<CR>
vnoremap <leader>rm :vsc Refactor.ExtractMethod<CR>
vnoremap <leader>rs :vsc Edit.SurroundWith<CR>
nnoremap <leader>ri :vsc Refactor.ExtractInterface<CR>
nnoremap <leader>is :vsc Edit.InsertSnippet<CR>
nnoremap <leader>ct ictor<tab>
nnoremap <leader>pt iprop<tab>
noremap <leader>dd :vsc Edit.Duplicate<CR>
" New lines and breake line shorcuts
" `o` - Add line below with normal mode
" `O` - Add line abowe with normal mode
" `<leader> + o` - Add line below with insert mode
" `<leader> + O` - Add line abowe with insert mode
" `<leader> + Enter` - Split the line
nnoremap o o<Esc>
nnoremap O O<Esc>j
nnoremap <leader>o o
nnoremap <leader>O O
nnoremap <leader><CR> i<CR><Esc>
" `<leader> + p(roject) + c(onfigure)` - Projest Startup Configure
noremap <leader>pc :vsc Project.ConfigureStartupProjects<CR>
" `<leader> + d(ocument) + t(his)` - Document this
nnoremap <leader>dt :vsc Edit.InsertComment<CR>
" Better navigation commands
nnoremap <C-d> <C-d>zz
nnoremap <C-u> <C-u>zz
nnoremap n nzz
nnoremap N Nzz
vnoremap J :vsc Edit.MoveSelectedLinesDown<CR>
vnoremap K :vsc Edit.MoveSelectedLinesUp<CR>
" Visual studio tools shorcuts
" `<leader> + qk` - Customize Keyboard
" `zl` - Shout out config file
nnoremap <leader>: :vsc Window.QuickLaunch<CR>
map <leader>qk :vsc Tools.CustomizeKeyboard<CR>
nnoremap zl :so ~/.vsvimrc<CR>