I am a 3rd year undergraduate student from Harcourt Butler Technical University. From the beginning of my college life, I started to fall in love with technology 😍 This love has helped me develop a very good technological mindset , and given me the curiosity to learn more. I firmly believe that no amount of knowledge is enough knowledge. 🧠
🚀 Some of my main projects:
The projects I am currently working on:
- Competitive Programming
- C++ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- JAVA ❤️❤️
- Python ❤️
- Web Development
- HTML, CSS and Javascript ✅
- Bootstrap
- React with Redux
- MySql, NoSql
- Django
- NodeJs
- Android Development
- Shell Scripting
- Randomized Algorithms
- Machine Learning
- Docker & AWS
⭐️ From Shiv-sharma-111