All the communication in PaddlePaddle community should follow code of conduct.
Communication channels may include mailing lists, slack channels, zoom meetings, meeting agenda/notes, and can be found on their READMEs and on the community groups/PPSIGs page.
Followings are the ways to communicate with community groups:
- The community groups public meeting(s) listed in the above community groups page
- Weekly/Bi-weekly community meeting over zoom/baidu meeting/tencent meeting.
- Intro sessions at online/offline conference or recordings on Bilibili PaddlePaddle channel.
PaddlePaddle developers spread across slack channels, you can find specific slack channel on ppsig-list.
PaddlePaddle SIGs provide mailing list for developers to subscribe.
PaddlePaddle use zoom/baidu meeting/tencent meeting for community meeting, you can find specific meeting calendar on ppsig-list.
For questions about installing, running, or troubleshooting PaddlePaddle, please file an issue.
PaddlePaddle offers multiple online/offline meetups and summit on your local city, please follow PaddlePaddle WeChat public account to get latest news.