Using CopyDisplayName:
Changes item_db.conf name from idnumitemdisplaynametable.txt/iteminfo.lua/lub
1)Copy item_db.conf,idnumitemdisplaynametable.txt or iteminfo.lua/lub to "CopyDisplayName" Folder
2)Just run the "copyname.bat" and input some details.
Credits: Dastgir
Using Conf2DB:
Extract item_db.conf to item_db.txt:
1)Copy item_db.conf to "conf2db" Folder.
2)Just run the "conf2db.bat" and Enter some details of file.
Usage: multi-tools.lua conf2db {FileName} {Output} {Format(RE,or see below)}
Format: #ID #AegisName, #View,etc..(As Mentioned in item_db.conf) [Variables are Case-InSensitive]
Default: #ID,#AegisName,#Name,#Type,#Buy,#Sell,#Weight,#Atk:#Matk,#Def,#Range,#Slots,#Job,#Upper,#Gender,#Loc,#wLV,#eLV,#Refine,#View,{ #Script },{ #OnEquipScript },{ #OnUnequipScript }
Additional Parameter: #eqmax,#eqmin (maximum and minimum equip level)
Using MergeIDNum:
Merges idnum Tables into itemInfo.lua:
- Make New Input Folders
- Copy These Files into that Input Folder: idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt, idnum2itemdesctable.txt, idnum2itemresnametable.txt, num2itemdesctable.txt, num2itemdisplaynametable.txt, num2itemresnametable.txt
- Optional Files: costume.txt, itemslotcounttable.txt, accname.lub, accessoryid.lub
- Run "mergeidnum.bat" and enter the details
Credits: Dastgir