Nexus Dash
- A Django based monitoring web dashboard for Nexus machines. Simply drop-in the app and go!
- A beautiful web-based dashboard for monitoring Nexus info
- Interactive graphs showing historical data of Nexus
- Live, on-demand monitoring of RAM, CPU, Load, Uptime, Disk Allocation, Interface Throughput and many more system stats
- Make your own Django App Plugin and easily add to this website
- Cross platform application (Windows and Unix supported)
- Uses Celery to allow asynchronously polling devices
Follow these CLI commands to install all dependencies:
$ # No need to sudo $ cd /tmp/ $ # Install Miniconda $ wget $ chmod +x $ ./ $ $ # Create a Python env $ conda create --name nexusdash $ source activate nexusdash $ conda install pip $ $ # Download ./requirements.txt from source $ ## Use following args for pip if server doesn't allow SSL: --index-url --allow-all-external --timeout 60 $ pip install -r requirements.txt
NOTE: Get the latest nexusdash from here:
Follow these CLI commands to run the Django Server:
$ source activate nexusdash $ # Key can be any string $ export SECRET_KEY=asdaduy7683ybhby $ $ # Set Django Setting, to run in production env, use nexusdash.settings.production $ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=nexusdash.settings.local $ $ # Sync Database and create root admin account $ python syncdb $ $ # To run in Development env $ python runserver --noreload $ $ # To run in Production env $ python runserver --noreload
Follow these CLI commands to start Celery:
$ source activate nexusdash $ # Key can be any string $ export SECRET_KEY=asdaduy7683ybhby $ $ # Set Django Setting, to run in production env, use nexusdash.settings.production $ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=nexusdash.settings.local $ $ cd \path\to\ $ $ # Start Periodic polling $ celery -A nexusdash beat $ $ # Start celery $ celery -A nexusdash worker -l info
- To change the interval at which the devices get polled periodically, change the variable CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE in ./nexusdash/settings/
- Default value is every 30 minutes (e.i: '*/30')