Saves pages of a PDF document as image files.
Collects Inks present on the PDF page and then rasterizes the page using those Ink channels separately and saving them out as PNG image files.
Rasterizes a PDF page to a series of bitmap image files.
Creates color separations from a PDF page and then saves out each plate as an EPS file.
Collects inks from a PDF page and then creates a collection of grayscale image separations and saves them out as a multi-page TIFF.
Rasterizes PDF pages using a specified ICCProfile and saves them out as image files.
Explores the content of PDF pages and when images are found they are saved out as image files.
Explores the content of PDF pages and when images are found they are saved out as image files.
Adds an image file read in from a stream to a PDF page.
Imports graphics from image files to a PDF page.
Explores the content of PDF pages and when images are found they are resampled to have a new resolution.
Adds an image file to be placed on a PDF page and adds another image file to use as its SoftMask image.
Creates an Output Preview Image which is used during Soft Proofing prior to printing to visualize combining different Colorants.
Rasterizes the first page of a PDF document.