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Presidio CLI

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CLI tool that analyzes text for PII Entities using Presidio Analyzer.


Python version: 3.8, 3.9, 3.10

pipenv app installed:

# check if app is installed
pipenv --version

# install, if not available
pip install pipenv

Install presidio-cli in a virtual env

Install from Python Package Index

install in current python env

python -m pip install presidio-cli

install required apps and presidio-cli in virtual environment

pipenv install presidio-cli

Install from source

# clone from git
git clone
cd presidio/presidio-cli
# install required apps and presidio-cli
pipenv install --deploy --dev

Install language models for spaCy

Load models for the English (en) language using the command presented below. For further information please visit section models.

python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg

Configuration file syntax

The default configuration is taken from the .presidiocli file in a current directory.

Configuration file supports the following parameters in a yaml file:

  • language - the expected language for PII detection. Default is en. For supporting additional languages, see this documentation

  • entities - list of entities to recognize. Maps to the entities field in presidio-analyzer. If empty, returns all supported entities for this input language.

  • ignore - list of ignored files/folders/directories based on pattern. It is recommended to ignore Version Control files, for example .git

  • allow - list of tokens that should not be marked as PII.

Note: a file requires at least one parameter to be set.

An example of yaml configuration file content:

language: en
ignore: |
  - "allowed token 1"
  - "allowed token 2"

Run the Presidio CLI

Run the Presidio CLI to execute Presidio Analyzer with specified configuration: language, threshold, entities and ignore pre-configured files/paths.

Configuration from a file

An example of running script with configuration from a file.

There are two example .yaml configuration files in the conf directory:

  • default.yaml - ignore the .git directory
  • limited.yaml - limit list of entities used to only 3 of them, ignore .git directory and .cfg files.
# run with default configuration (file `.presidiocli`) in the current directory
presidio .

# run with configuration limited.yaml in the "tests" directory
presidio -c presidio_cli/conf/limited.yaml tests/

# run with configuration limited.yaml in single file only tests/
presidio -c presidio_cli/conf/limited.yaml tests/

Configuration as a parameter

An example of using configuration as data in parameter:

# ignore paths .git and *.cfg
presidio -d "ignore: |
  *.cfg" tests/

# limit list of entities to CREDIT_CARD
presidio-d "entities:
  - CREDIT_CARD" tests/

# equivalent to use -c parameter
presidio -d "$(cat presidio_cli/conf/limited.yaml)" tests/

Formatting output

Output can be formatted using -f or --format parameter. The default format is auto.

Available formats:

  • standard - standard output format
presidio -d "entities:
  - PERSON" -f standard tests/
# result
  34:58     0.85     PERSON
  37:33     0.85     PERSON
  • github - similar to diff function in github
presidio -d "entities:
  - PERSON" -f github tests/
# result
::0.85 file=tests/,line=34,col=58::34:58 [PERSON]
::0.85 file=tests/,line=37,col=33::37:33 [PERSON]
  • colored - standard output format but with colors

  • parsable - easy to parse automaticaly

presidio -d "entities:
  - PERSON" -f parsable tests/
# result
{"entity_type": "PERSON", "start": 57, "end": 62, "score": 0.85, "analysis_explanation": null}
{"entity_type": "PERSON", "start": 32, "end": 37, "score": 0.85, "analysis_explanation": null}
  • auto - default format, switches automatically between those 2 modes:
    • github, if run on github - environment variables GITHUB_ACTIONS and GITHUB_WORKFLOW are set
    • colored, otherwise

List of all parameters

Simply run the following to get a list of all available options for the CLI:

presidio --help