- Bend, Oregon
google-map-react Public
Forked from google-map-react/google-map-reactGoogle map library for react that allows rendering components as markers 🎉
JavaScript UpdatedMay 16, 2019 -
react Public
Forked from facebook/reactA declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 27, 2017 -
redux Public
Forked from reduxjs/reduxPredictable state container for JavaScript apps
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 27, 2017 -
py-jstree Public
Forked from grimwm/py-jstreeCode to generate a JSON file hierarchy for jQuery UI's jsTree.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 12, 2016 -
React-Boilerplate Public
Forked from buckyroberts/React-BoilerplateReact boilerplate for thenewboston tutorials.
CSS UpdatedOct 5, 2016 -
animatedModal.js Public
Forked from joaopereirawd/animatedModal.jsanimatedModal.js is a jQuery plugin to create a fullscreen modal with CSS3 transitions. you can use the transitions by animate.css or create yourself their transitions.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 3, 2016 -
react-burger-menu Public
Forked from negomi/react-burger-menuAn off-canvas sidebar component with a collection of effects and styles using CSS transitions and SVG path animations
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 28, 2016 -
git-workflow Public
Forked from michaeldyrynda/git-workflowA git workflow for facilitating client-facing User Acceptance Testing
UpdatedMay 24, 2016 -
jQuery-Scanner-Detection Public
Forked from lucasjahn/jQuery-Scanner-DetectionSadly this original repo was deleted on GitHub. See this as a fork form Julien Maurel.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 19, 2016 -
django-responsive2 Public
Forked from mishbahr/django-responsive2django-responsive2 is an experimental Django app that gives web designers tools for building responsive websites. It can dynamically swap content based on breakpoints.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMay 10, 2016 -
django-todo Public
Forked from shacker/django-todoA multi-user, multi-group todo/ticketing system for Django projects
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedApr 11, 2016 -
django-pure-pagination Public
Forked from jamespacileo/django-pure-paginationDjango pagination based upon the core pagination module
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedApr 8, 2016 -
Filemanager Public
Forked from simogeo/FilemanagerAn open-source file manager released under MIT license. Up-to-date for PHP connector. Contributions and / or donations are welcome ! IMPORTANT : The Filemanager is looking for a new maintainer ! Ju…
Java UpdatedMar 17, 2016 -
mac-setup Public
Forked from sb2nov/mac-setupInstalling Development environment on Mac OS X
JavaScript Other UpdatedFeb 19, 2016 -
drf-examples Public
Forked from makinacorpus/drf-examplesExamples for Django Rest Framework tutorials
Python UpdatedFeb 12, 2016 -
django-cron Public
Forked from Tivix/django-cronWrite cron business logic as a Python class and let this app do the rest! It enables Django projects to schedule cron tasks, tracks their success / failures, manages contention (via a cache) etc. B…
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 2, 2016 -
preamble Public
A Shopify theme framework with Babel and Webpack
CSS MIT License UpdatedFeb 2, 2016 -
django-mptt Public
Forked from django-mptt/django-mpttUtilities for implementing a modified pre-order traversal tree in django.
Python Other UpdatedJan 31, 2016 -
django-nested-admin Public
Forked from theatlantic/django-nested-adminDjango admin classes that allow for nested inlines
Python Other UpdatedJan 29, 2016 -
django-admin-bootstrap Public
Forked from douglasmiranda/django-admin-bootstrapResponsive Theme for Django Admin (Django 1.7+)
HTML BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJan 27, 2016 -
fullcalendar-scheduler Public
Forked from fullcalendar/fullcalendar-workspaceCoffeeScript Other UpdatedJan 12, 2016