- Author
Dave Copeland (davetron5000 at g mail dot com)
- Copyright
Copyright © 2011 by Dave Copeland
- License
Distributes under the Apache License, see LICENSE.txt in the source distro
A smattering of tools to make your command-line apps easily awesome; kick the bash habit without sacrificing any of the power.
Currently, this is under development and has the following to offer:
Bootstrapping a new CLI app
Utility Classes
Methadone::CLILogger - a logger subclass that sends error message to standard error and all messages to standard out
Methadone::CLILogging - a module that, when included in any class, provides easy access to a shared logger
Cucumber Steps
The methadone
command-line app will bootstrap a new command-line app, setting up a proper gem structure, unit tests, and cucumber-based tests with aruba:
$ methadone --help Usage: methadone [options] app_name --force Overwrite files if they exist $ methadone newgem $ cd newgem $ rake 1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips 1 scenario (1 passed) 3 steps (3 passed) $ cat features/newgem.feature Feature: My bootstrapped app kinda works In order to get going on coding my awesome app I want to have aruba and cucumber setup So I don't have to do it myself Scenario: App just runs When I run `newgem --help` Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain: """ Usage: newgem [options] """
Basically, this sets you up with all the boilerplate that you should be using to write a command-line app.
Currently, there are classes the assist in directing output logger-style to the right place; basically ensuring that errors go to STDERR
and everything else goes to STDOUT
. All of this is, of course, configurable
require 'methadone' include Methadone::CLILogging command = "rm -rf /tmp/*" debug("About to run #{command}") # => goes only to STDOUT if system(command) info("Succesfully ran #{command}") # => goes only to STDOUT else error("There was a problem running #{command}") # => goes to STDOUT AND STDERR end
require 'methadone' include Methadone::CLILogging self.logger = CLILogger.new("logfile.txt") command = "rm -rf /tmp/*" debug("About to run #{command}") # => goes only to logfile.txt if system(command) info("Succesfully ran #{command}") # => goes only to logfile.txt else error("There was a problem running #{command}") # => goes to logfile.txt AND STDERR end
Methadone uses aruba for BDD-style testing with cucumber. This library has some awesome steps, and methadone provides additional, more opinionated, steps.
Here’s an example from methadone’s own tests:
Scenario: Help is properly documented When I get help for "methadone" Then the exit status should be 0 And the following options should be documented: |--force| And the banner should be present And the banner should document that this app takes options And the banner should document that this app's arguments are: |app_name|required|
command_to_run --help
using arubaWhen I get help for "command_to_run"
Make sure that each option shows up in the help and has some sort of documentation
Then the following options should be documented: |--force| |-x |
Check an individual option for documentation:
Then the option "--force" should be documented
Checks that the help has a proper usage banner
Then the banner should be present
Checks that the usage banner indicates it takes options via
Then the banner should document that this app takes options
Checks that the app’s usage banner documents that its arguments are
Then the banner should document that this app's arguments are "args"
Support for running external commands easily, with full error checking
Support for main method-style implementation
Easy support for filtering the output of a command, e.g.