A set of pure Lua libraries focusing on input data handling (such as reading configuration files), functional programming (such as map, reduce, placeholder expressions,etc), and OS path management.…
A Anti-DDoS script to protect Nginx web servers using Lua with a HTML Javascript based authentication puzzle inspired by Cloudflare I am under attack mode an Anti-DDoS authentication page protect y…
lua-resty-stats - is a statistical module for nginx base on ngx_lua, Statistical key and values are configurable, can use the nginx core's variables and this module's variables. The statistical res…
token bucket ratelimiter for nginx-lua/go/gin-middleware
Advanced Layer 7 HTTP(s) DDoS Mitigation module for OpenResty ("dynamic web platform based on NGINX and LuaJIT")
A Lua plugin for the Nginx web server that automatically collects and submits several important Nginx metrics to Graphite.