A collection of tools for real estate data analysis, web scraping, pricing, etc.
Scraping tools for the following websites:
- Rentler - rental listings
- Redfin - on-market and previous sales
- KSL - Utah classified
- Craigslist
- Zillow
- Homie
- data_agg_redfin.py - Aggregate and clean bulk Redfin downloads
Plot geographic coordinates using R/ggplot, overlaying on Google Maps.
- map_redfin.R - Map Redfin bulk download data
Some info here
- Beautiful Soup - Python library for web scraping, HTML parsing, etc.
- Requests - HTTP for humans
- Selenium - Web browser automation framework
- PhantomJS - Headless (non-GUI) browser
- ChromeDriver - Automated Chrome
- R - Statistical computing and graphics
- ggplot - Spatial data and maps in R