An easy way to convert Excel to PDF by Java code based on Apache POI and itextpdf. 利用 JAVA 编写把 Excel 转 PDF 解决方案,依赖POI与IText库的实现。
Guns是一个现代化的Java应用开发框架,基于主流技术Spring Boot3 + Vue3 + JDK17,Guns的核心理念是提高开发人员开发效率,降低企业信息化系统的开发成本。
ActionScript 3 WebSocket client implementation for the final WebSocket Draft RFC6455
FastDFS is an open source high performance distributed file system (DFS). It's major functions include: file storing, file syncing and file accessing, and design for high capacity and load balance.…
davidyuan / BadGame
Forked from wilhantian/BadGame《BadGame 烂游戏》--使用cocos2d-x开发的一款横版卷轴类游戏
A high-performance and stable proxy for MySQL, it is developed by Qihoo's DBA and infrastructure team
davidyuan / LZShow
Forked from weixchangxbao/LZShow练字秀(LZ Show)就是一款基于android平台的练字应用。用户可以使用本软件随时随地的进行练字,在修身养性的同时为职场驰骋、情场得意埋下种子。本软件内置多个字帖,有字帖临摹和个人秀练字两种练字模式,可以一键分享自己的练字成果至好友圈子。另外还可以查看自己的练字记录,帮助自己养成良好的练字习惯,写得一手好字。
The java implementation of Apache Dubbo. An RPC and microservice framework.
davidyuan / TweeJump4wp8
Forked from Summeli/TweeJump4wp8TweeJump port for Windows Phone 8