This is a Dockerfile to set up Sabnzbd from the jcfp PPA. Change port if
necessary to accommodate SSL. A data only volume is created to store the
configuration data named sabnzbd_config
The default UID:GID in the container is 1000:100. If your user has a different
uid:gid, pass --build-arg
so the uid:gid of your user matches the sabnzbd user
in the container.
docker build --build-arg=uid=$(id -u) --build-arg=gid=$(id -g) -t sabnzbd .
docker run -d \
--mount type=volume,source=sabnzbd_config,target=/config \
-v /mnt/downloads:/data \
-p 8080:8080 \
--name sabnzbd_run \
If you enable SSL, make sure to change your port numbers when running the container (9090 typically). Systemd service file is available.