The Roots Network is an informationally dense, no bs system for organizing, saving, and sharing hyperlinks. The goal is to share great value in the simplest form.
The hyperlink is a fundamental concept of the internet. Therefore the organization of hyperlinks is essential to a healthy and productive internet--which is why websites such as Google and Reddit have become massively high value portals to the information available on the web. Roots Network is an informationally dense and typographically designed system for sharing the essence of value and information; a brutalist organization of hyperlinks. Instagram has popularized the sharing of images, Roots will popularize the advanced organization, saving, and communication of hyperlinks to high value content.
Brian Norgard, The "architect of the top grossing app in the world", that feeds are dead and private/group communication will be the next communication paradigm. Roots Network supports this paradigm of high value private communication of value via hyperlinks.
The application currently uses Vue.js for view/model/controller creation and stores the lists of links in localstorage. I hope to add 0auth user registration and a more comprehensive backend soon.
I greatly appreciate any pull requests and help with development! Please feel free to reach out to collaborate on this project with me. [email protected]
*Keep the network fresh via new theme. bladerunner.css - orange theme minimal futuristic compact.css - illuminated.css rows.css cards.css forest.css lunar.css solarized.css
a16z - Two Powerful Mental Models: Network Effects and Critical Mass a16z - 16 Ways to Measure Network Effects a16z - All about Network Effects
networks prune over time Design dynamic content highlights and updates to keep the network transitory, ever-evolving and excitingly new.