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295 lines (202 loc) · 8.27 KB

File metadata and controls

295 lines (202 loc) · 8.27 KB

React Native AWS S3

NPM version Build Status Dependency Status devDependency Status

A React Native wrapper for AWS iOS/Android S3 SDK.

We currently implements TransferUtility, see iOS/Android docs for more information.


$ npm install react-native-s3 --save



In XCode, in the project navigator:

  • Right click LibrariesAdd Files to [your project's name], Add node_modules/react-native-s3/ios/RNS3.xcodeproj.
  • Add libRNS3.a to your project's Build PhasesLink Binary With Libraries
  • Add $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-s3/ios/Frameworks to your project's Build SettingsFramework Search Paths
  • Add node_modules/react-native-s3/ios/Frameworks/*.framework, libsqlite3.tbd, libz.tbd to your project's Build PhasesLink Binary With Libraries
  • Edit AppDelegate.m of your project
#import "RNS3TransferUtility.h"


- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession:(NSString *)identifier completionHandler:(void (^)())completionHandler {
  [RNS3TransferUtility interceptApplication:application
  • [Optional] you can set the credentials in AppDelegate.m
#import "RNS3TransferUtility.h"


- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
  [[RNS3TransferUtility nativeCredentialsOptions] setObject:@"eu-west-1" forKey:@"region"];
  [[RNS3TransferUtility nativeCredentialsOptions] setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[RNS3TransferUtility credentialType:@"BASIC"]] forKey:@"type"];
  [[RNS3TransferUtility nativeCredentialsOptions] setObject:@"your_access_key_here" forKey:@"access_key"];
  [[RNS3TransferUtility nativeCredentialsOptions] setObject:@"your_secret_key_here" forKey:@"secret_key"];


  • Edit android/settings.gradle of your project:
include ':react-native-s3'
project(':react-native-s3').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../node_modules/react-native-s3/android')
  • Edit android/app/build.gradle of your project:
dependencies {
    compile project(':react-native-s3')
  • Add package to MainActivity

import com.mybigday.rn.*;   // import

public class MainActivity extends ReactActivity {


    protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
        return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
            new MainReactPackage(),
            new RNS3Package()   // add package

You can use rnpm instead of above steps.

  • Edit android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml of your project:
  android:enabled="true" />
  • [Optional] you can set the credentials in MainActivity:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

  RNS3TransferUtility.nativeCredentialsOptions.put("region", "eu-west-1");
  RNS3TransferUtility.nativeCredentialsOptions.put("type", RNS3TransferUtility.CredentialType.BASIC);
  RNS3TransferUtility.nativeCredentialsOptions.put("access_key", "your_access_key_here");
  RNS3TransferUtility.nativeCredentialsOptions.put("secret_key", "your_secret_key_here");


import { transferUtility } from 'react-native-s3';



Return: Promise - will resolve arguments:

  • Boolean - true or false depending on the setup successful.


  • options Object
    • region String - a S3 Region (default: eu-west-1)
    • access_key String - the AWS access key ID
    • secret_key String - the AWS secret access key
    • session_token String - (optional) (Android)

Return: Promise - will resolve arguments:

  • Boolean - true or false depending on the setup successful.


  • options Object
    • region String - a S3 Region (default: eu-west-1)
    • identity_pool_id String - the Amazon Cogntio identity pool
    • caching Boolean - use CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider instead of CognitoCredentialsProvider (Android)

See AWS CognitoCredentialsProvider (iOS/Android) for more information.

Return: Promise - will resolve arguments:

  • Boolean - true or false depending on the setup successful.


New a upload task.

  • options Object
    • bucket String - a S3 bucket name
    • key String - the object key in the bucket
    • file String - the file path to upload
    • meta Object
      • contentType String - the file content-type
      • contentMD5 String - the file md5 hash

Return: Promise - will resolve, see following arguments:

  • Object - a Task object

or reject.

New a download task.

  • options Object
    • bucket String - a S3 bucket name
    • key String - the object key in the bucket
    • file String - donwload save file path

Return: Promise - will resolve, see following arguments:

  • Object - a Task object

or reject.


  • id Number - a Task id


  • id Number - a Task id


  • id Number - a Task id

transferUtility.deleteRecord(id) (Android)

  • id Number - a Task id

Return: Promise - will resolve, see following arguments:

  • Boolean - true or false depending on the delete task record successful.


Gets a Task object with the given id.

  • id Number - a Task id

Return: Promise - will resolve, see following arguments:

  • Object - a Task object

transferUtility.getTasks(type, idAsKey)

Gets a Task object list with the type.

  • type String - enum: upload, download
  • idAsKey Boolean - true: return Object with id as key, false: return Array

Return: Promise - will resolve, see following arguments:

  • Array - a Task object list

transferUtility.subscribe(id, eventHandler)

Subscribe the task changes with the given id.

  • id Number - a Task id
  • eventHandler Function - arguments:
    • task Object - a Task object


Unsubscribe the task changes with the given id.

  • id Number - a Task id

The Task object structure

  id: Number,
  state: String, // task state
  // progress of task: bytes / totalBytes
  bytes: Number,
  totalBytes: Number,
  // iOS only part, waiting
  bucket: String,
  key: String,

It will not be immediately refresh, you must subscribe or call getTask(id) to replace it.

The Task states

  • waiting
  • in_progress
  • pause
  • canceled
  • completed
  • failed

The nativeCredentialsOptions type




  • TransferUtility
  • TransferManager
  • Bucket Control
  • CredentialsProvider
    • STS


  • TransferUtility
  • TransferManager (Deprecated)
  • Bucket Control
  • CredentialsProvider
    • STS
