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Validate Player Authenticity

This is a simple scene + REST server that implements a few security checks to ensure that the requests that arrive to the server are legitimate.

This example shows you:

On the scene:

  • Send requests with signedFetch, to include headers with an ephemeral key signature in the request.

On the server:

  • Check that the origin of the request, to ensure it's from a Decentraland domain
  • Filter out malicious IPs that were manually identified
  • Check that the headers included in the signedFetch are properly signed, ensuring also that the timestamp in the signature is also recent and that the ephemeral key corresponds to the player's address.
  • Query the catalyst server that the player claims to be in, and ensure that the player is truly there.
  • Check that the player's location when sending the request is at a specific parcel, or within a margin or error of that.

These checks together ensure that a request needs to come from inside decentraland, from a player in a deployed scene within the specified coordinates.

Through all of these checks, you can make it very hard for anyone who might want to take advantage of your scene. These security measures are especially valuable in scenes that give away tokens, or where there's some kind of monetary incentive for cheating.

About the ephemeral key

When players log into decentraland, they sign a message using Metamask or their preferred web3 client. This signature is used to generate an ephemeral wallet that exists during that session, this address can be traced back to the player's original address. The advantage is that it can be used by the Decentraland explorer to sign messages behind the curtains, without requesting that the player manually signs every request.

When you use the signedFetch() function in a scene, you're sending additional metadata in the request's headers, that includes a signed message encrypted with the ephemeral key. This signed message includes a timestamp, the player's position on the map, the player's actual address, and the contents of the request itself.

Try it out

Previewing the scene

  1. Download this full repository from sdk7-goerli-plaza, including this and several other example scenes on SDK7.

  2. Install the Decentraland Editor

  3. Open a Visual Studio Code window on the scene's directory. Not on the root folder of the whole repo.

  4. Open the Decentraland Editor tab, and press Run Scene

Alternatively, you can use the command line. Inside scene directory run:

npm run start

Run the server

To run the server locally, on a separate command line window, navigate to the server directory and run the following command to install all the dependencies:

npm i

Once the dependencies are installed, run the following command to start the server:

npm run start

The server will then be listening on localhost:8080, the scene is already sending requests to this address.

socket = new WebSocket(
    'wss://localhost:8080/broadcast/' + realm.displayName

Scene Usage

First run the server, then run the scene.

In the scene, simply click on the fountain, and it will send a request to the server.

The scene will tell you if you passed the validations or not.

Since you're running the scene locally on localhost, the validations that relate to the request's origin and on querying the catalyst servers are turned off. Turn them on with the TESTS_ENABLED flag, on securityChecks.ts in the server folder. Notice that once that's enabled your requests from localhost will no longer pass the validations.

By copying the security folder in server, you can use the same set of security validations on any request that was originated with signedFetch() in a Decentraland scene.

Simply run:

await runChecks(req)

Or add a set of coordinates to also validate the request's origin on the map:

await runChecks(req, VALID_PARCEL)

Configurable properties

The following properties can be configured on securityChecks.ts:

  • TESTS_ENABLED: If true, requests from localhost are allowed. If false, the server also enforces that the requests come from a decentraland domain, and validates with a catalyst server that the player is currently there.

  • MARGIN_OF_ERROR: Make the location checks more or less permissive. A margin or error of 2 will allow locations at + - 2 parcels of distance on either axis from the indicated location.

  • denyListedIPS: Add any IPs to this list that you want to block from making any requests.

Copyright info

This scene is protected with a standard Apache 2 licence. See the terms and conditions in the LICENSE file.