Make sure you got the prerequisites and follow the steps below to have a local copy of this project up and running.
- You can see the notes I had during development here
- You can see the challenge instructions here, or you can see the original github repo of the challenge here
You can use only Docker if you'd like, but node
and pnpm
are recommended for development
npm install pnpm -g
Clone the repo
git clone
Setup configuration
pnpm config:local
Run the whole project
pnpm start:dev
- The frontend will be running at http://localhost:3000
- The backend will be running at http://localhost:8080
Build the images
docker build . --target server --tag bankme-server:latest
Run the containers
docker run -d --name server -p 8080:8080 -e DATABASE_URL="file:./dev.db" -e JWT_SECRET="super_jwt_secret" bankme-server:latest
You can test the API requests using Postman: