First we need to clone QtSharp to our local machine
mkdir C:\GITHUB
git clone QtSharp
cd C:\GITHUB\QtSharp
git checkout master
Next we need to tell NuGet to download any missing depends into a packages sub directory <br > To do this at the command line
nuget.exe restore QtSharp.sln
The other alternative is just to
- Open the solution in Visual Studio
- Right click solution
- Select "Manage NuGet Packages for Solution"
- Select the "Restore" button at the top right
This should create a packages subdirectory and download any needed external libraries
To build the sources under Visual Studio 2013
- Open up the QtSharp.sln File within Visual Studio
- Right Click Build on the QtSharp / QtSharp.CLI / QtSharp.Tests Projects
QtSharp.CLI is the app to run to generate the bindings
To run from the command line
cd C:\GITHUB\QtSharp\QtSharp.CLI\bin\Debug
QtSharp.CLI.exe C:\Qt\Qt5.4.1\5.4\mingw491_32\bin\qmake.exe C:\Qt\Qt5.4.1\Tools\mingw491_32\bin\mingw32-make.exe
Or you could just add the above cmd line options to QtSharp.CLI under Project Properties and run it from within Visual Studio
This will do the following
The file Wrappers\QtCore\QtCore.cs will be overwritten with a new generated copy
Using the project file within Wrappers\QtCore\ the dll's QtCoreSharp.dll, QtCore-inlines.dll will be generated
The above will be repeated for any additional Qt Modules included in the build process
The 2 files needed for QtCore will be
- CppSharp.Runtime.dll
- QtCoreSharp.dll
Note currently there may be some issues when running QtSharp.CLI for the QtGUI Module <br > I found that rebuilding CppSharp seemed to fix this problem