All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- fixed bug in is_simple_quad(), which would sometimes return the incorrect value
- fixed bug in pcm() when a and b where swapped based on arc_length
- fixed broken links in README !
- fixed bug in similaritymeasures.dtw_path(), where dtw path would always go from [1, 1] to [0, 0]
- Repo name shortened to just similarity_measures
- Fréchet distance now supports any minkowski distance!
- Fréchet distance now supports N-D data!
- Add notes to Fréchet and DTW about support of N-D data in readme.
- euc_dist function has been removed
- fixed image link in README.rst for
- fix unicode Fréchet distance
- dtw function docstring now specifies number of data points and dimensions
- dtw path function
- dtw function can now take all distance metrics in scipy.spatial.distance.cdist
- add test functions for dtw_path
- add test functions for passing distance metrics in dtw
- dtw function now outputs cumulative distance matrix
- dtw function for Dynamic Time warping!
- New test curves for sphere and simple three points
- dtw example fits in notebook
- Changelog
- Docstrings now follow numpydoc
- Added dtw examples to README
- Fix README.rst issues on
- Initial project release