This repository contains Sorbet
, a work-in-progress experiment
aimed at producing a static typechecker for a subset of Ruby.
You can read more in our design doc.
It is still in its early days and should be considered alpha-quality. You are welcome to try it, though, but your experience might still be rough.
Install Dependencies first.
You'll need to build Sorbet. In order to build the production version run:
./bazel build //main:sorbet -c opt
The resulting executable will be runable with:
bazel-bin/main/sorbet my_file1.rb my_file2.rb
It should be statically linked and have no dependencies, so feel free to copy it.
In order to build a release version please run ./bazel build //main:sorbet --config=release
We build using bazel; Run:
./bazel test //... --config=dbg
to build and run the tests(//...
stands for "everything", you literaly need to type //...
During development we pass --config=dbg
to build debug version of sorbet
that also includes additional sanity checks that check consistency of internal datastructures (see sanityCheck
methods in code). This build can also print pretty stack traces on failures when run on Mac (adding Linux support is welcome)
Our CI runs builds under --config=ci
. Those are optimized builds that include sanity checks and additionally include checks added by address sanitizer and undefined behaviour sanitizer.
This project can take some time to build, in particular, if you change build configurations frequently. We have found that defining following bazel caching options (in sorbet/.bazelrc
) helps. Note that those options could sometimes unveil bazel bugs, so if something is weird, disable them and nuke the cache by deleting files in it.
# mkdir /tmp/bazel-cache
build --experimental_local_disk_cache --experimental_local_disk_cache_path=/tmp/bazel-cache
test --experimental_local_disk_cache --experimental_local_disk_cache_path=/tmp/bazel-cache
- use smart pointers for storage, references for arguments;
- no c-style allocators. Use vectors instead.
- undefined behaviour is prohibited. All builds have UBSan enabled;
- all memory accesses are checked by ASan.
- ragel;
- bison;
- ruby;
- clang, but we download it as part of the build. clang-format, but we download it as part of hte build.
- autoconf for building jemalloc from source;
- gnu coreutils and gnu parallel are used by some of bash scripts;
- platform headers for ncurses5.
brew install ragel bison autoconf coreutils parallel
If you see a build error that looks like,
Executing genrule @parser//:bison_parser failed
then you might need to run:
brew link bison --force
to symlink the correct version into /usr/local/bin/
so it appears on your $PATH
sudo apt install ragel bison libncurses5-dev autoconf
And then copy bazelrc-ubuntu
to .bazelrc
to configure bazel to use
the clang-4.0
You do not need to install bazel
; The ./bazel
tool will download
and build an appropriate version of bazel. If you have a global
binary, it will automatically dispatch to this tool instead.
We require that all BUILD
files are formatted by the
tool, and all C/C++ source by clang-format
Run tools/scripts/
respectively to format all these files