TruffleRuby is a high performance implementation of the Ruby programming language. Built on the GraalVM by Oracle Labs using the Truffle AST interpreter and the Graal dynamic compiler. TruffleRuby is one part of GraalVM, a platform for high-performance polyglot programming.
Truffle is a Java framework for writing AST interpreters. To implement a language using Truffle you write an AST for your language and add methods to interpret -- perform the action of -- each node.
Truffle also has the concept of specialisation. In most AST interpreters the nodes are megamorphic -- they handle all possible types and other possible conditions. In Truffle you write several different nodes for the same semantic action but for different types and conditions. As runtime conditions change, you switch which nodes you are using. After the program has warmed up you should end up with an AST that is precisely tailored for the types and conditions that you are actually using. If these conditions change, you can just switch nodes again.
Graal is a new implementation of a just-in-time compiler (JIT compiler, or we'd normally say dynamic compiler) in the OpenJDK Java Virtual Machine. Unlike the current compilers, Graal is written in Java, and exposes a Java API to the running program. This means that instead of emitting bytecode a JVM language can directly control the compiler. However this is complicated, so normally Truffle uses Graal on your behalf to partially evaluate your AST interpreter into machine code.
GraalVM is the platform on which TruffleRuby runs. It's a system for high-performance polyglot programming.
More concretely, GraalVM is a modified version of the OracleJDK that includes Truffle, Graal, TruffleRuby and other languages running on the Truffle framework including JavaScript, Python and R.
See how to install GraalVM and TruffleRuby.
The easiest way to get TruffleRuby is GraalVM.
The expected way to run TruffleRuby is using the Graal compiler and the Truffle partial evaluator. TruffleRuby isn't designed to be efficient on a JVM without these.
When running on a VM with the Graal compiler, Truffle can use the API exposed by Graal. Truffle gets the bytecode representation of all of the AST interpreter methods involved in running your Ruby method, combines them into something like a single Java method, optimises them together, and emits a single machine code function. On Graal, Truffle also provides wrappers for JVM functionality not normally available to Java applications such as code deoptimization. TruffleRuby uses this to provide a dramatically simpler and faster implementation of Ruby.
Chris Seaton wrote an implementation of Ruby on Truffle and Graal as part of an internship at Oracle Labs in the first half of 2013. The code was merged into JRuby in early 2014. Benoit Daloze and Kevin Menard joined as researchers in the second half of 2014, then Petr Chalupa in 2015, Brandon Fish in 2016 and Duncan MacGregor in 2017. Since then we have also accepted contributions from people outside Oracle Labs. In 2017 the code was forked back out of JRuby after it had matured.
The best way to get in touch with us is to join us in, but you can also Tweet to @TruffleRuby, or email [email protected].
will be 'truffleruby'
ruby --version
will report GraalVM CE
or EE
will tell you if you are also running with the Graal
dynamic compiler.
ruby --version
will report GraalVM CE
ruby --version
will report GraalVM EE
ruby --version
will report Native
will return true
Put this program into test.rb
loop do
14 + 2
As well as the instructions for running with GraalVM that are described in
Using GraalVM, we'll also use the -J-Dgraal.TraceTruffleCompilation=true
to ask Truffle to tell us when it compiles something.
$ ruby -J-Dgraal.TraceTruffleCompilation=true test.rb
[truffle] opt done block in <main> test.rb:1 <opt> <split-3a9ffa1b> |ASTSize 8/ 8 |Time 103( 99+4 )ms |DirectCallNodes I 0/D 0 |GraalNodes 24/ 3 |CodeSize 69 |CodeAddress 0x11245cf50 |Source ../test.rb:1
Here you can see that Truffle has decided to use Graal to compile the block of the loop to machine code - just 69 bytes of machine code in all.
Some key gems such as Nokogiri don't yet work well, which in practice can stop a lot of other gems and applications from running.
Benchmarks that we haven’t looked at yet may require new code paths to be specialized. Currently we’ve added specialisation for the code paths in the benchmarks and applications that we’ve been using. Adding them is generally not complicated and over time we will have specialisations to cover a broad range of applications.
Make sure that you are using the Enterprise Edition of GraalVM, and have rebuilt the executable images for the best performance.
TruffleRuby doesn’t use invokedynamic
, as it doesn't emit bytecode. However it
does have an optimising method dispatch mechanism that achieves a similar
JRuby is taking a different approach to optimising and adding new functionality to Ruby. Both JRuby and TruffleRuby are important projects.
We merged into JRuby in order to be able to use large parts of their Java implementation code. We forked back out of JRuby when we had got to the point where the code that we were using needed to be modified for our purposes and we no longer had any dependency on the core part of JRuby. Forking also allowed us to simplify our code base.