Preferred Tool: pyenv
How to Install: brew install pyenv
pyenv install 3.7 2.7 && pyenv global 3.7 2.7
Preferred Tool: pipenv
How to Install: pip install pipenv
(so that I can change pipenv versions easily)
- For packages that is installed globally, use
- For packages that are installed local to a project, use
pipenv --rm # Deletes the virtualenv
pipenv lock --clear # Removes cache
pipenv clean # Clean unused packages
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/pipenv
rm -rf ~/.cache/pipenv
rm Pipfile.lock
wget -O ~/
bash ~/ -b -p $HOME/miniconda
# activate base
source <path to conda>/bin/activate
conda init [zsh]
Preferred Tool: PyCharm
How to Install:
Version | Install Command |
Community Edition | brew cask install pycharm-ce |
Ultimate | brew cask install pycharm |
Tool | Install Command |
IPython | pipenv install ipython |
Jupyter Lab | pipenv install jupyterlab |
Jupyter Notebook | pipenv install jupyter |
Usage | Tools |
Maths and statistics | , , statsmodels |
Visualizations | matplotlib, seaborn, plotly |
Machine Learning Models | scikit-learn |
Neural Network | tensorflow, keras, pytorch |
Interactive Visualizations | Dash-plotly |
Package | How to install |
numpy | pipenv install numpy |
scipy | pipenv install scipy |
statsmodels | pipenv install statsmodels |
Package | How to install |
pandas | pipenv install pandas |
pyspark | See below |
Package | How to install |
matplotlib | pipenv install matplotlib |
seaborn | pipenv install seaborn |
plotly | pipenv install plotly |
Package | How to install |
scikit-learn | pipenv install scikit-learn |
Package | How to install |
tensorflow | pipenv install tensorflow |
keras | pipenv install keras |
pytorch | pipenv install torch torchvision |
Package | How to install |
Dash Plotly | pipenv install dash dash-html-components dash-core-components dash-table dash-daq |
Ensure that python and spark is installed
To explore and run pyspark, we have two options:
Exploration with Apache Zeppelin
- Install Apache Zeppelin:
brew install apache-zeppelin
- Run Zeppelin: start
- Ensure you've installed jupyter / jupyterlab
- Follow this instruction to setup pyspark with jupyter
This article compare and contrast the benefits and disadvantages of using either Apache Zeppelin or Jupyter Notebook
Preferred Tool: pytest
How to Install: pipenv install --dev pytest
Tool | Usage |
Marshmallow | a Marshalling library for converting complex datatypes to and from native Python datatypes |
webargs | Library for parsing and validating HTTP request arguments, used in conjunction with Marshmallow |
Tool | Usage |
Flask-RESTPlus | Flask extension for building REST APIs |
flasgger | Integrate OpenAPI specs and Swagger UI for Flask APIs |
pytest-flask | Testing flask apps |
Documentation | Resources |
Flask Testing | |
Creating flask extensions - useful for modularizing the APIs and testing | |
Scaling applications: using API namespaces or blueprints | |
Preferred Tool: