Welcome to the Phalcon Testing Suite.
This folder contains all the tests for the Phalcon Framework.
This testing suite uses Travis CI, GitHub Actions and AppVeyor for each run. Every commit pushed to this repository will queue a build into the continuous integration service and will run all tests to ensure that everything is going well and the project is stable.
The testing suite can be run on your own machine. The dependencies for running the testing suite are:
Nanobox can also be used for developing Phalcon, and its installation instructions can be found in the Nanobox documentation. Codeception can be installed using Composer.
# run this command from project root
$ composer install --prefer-source
You can read more about installing and configuring Codeception from the following resources:
The container based environment contains all the services you need to write and run your tests. These services are:
- Memcached
- Mongodb
- Mysql
- Postgresql
- Redis
The PHP extensions enabled are:
- apcu
- ctype
- curl
- dom
- fileinfo
- gd
- gmp
- gettext
- imagick
- iconv
- igbinary
- json
- memcached
- mbstring
- mongodb
- opcache
- phar
- pdo
- pdo_mysql
- pdo_pgsql
- pdo_sqlite
- redis
- session
- simplexml
- tokenizer
- yaml
- zephir_parser
- xdebug
- xml
- xmlwriter
- zip
- zlib
To generate the necessary database schemas, you need to run the relevant script:
$ php tests/_ci/generate-db-schemas.php
First you need to re-generate base classes for all suites:
$ ./vendor/bin/codecept build
You will also need to provide Codeception configuration and run Docker containers:
# Create Codeception configuration
$ cp tests/_ci/.env.default .env
# Run Docker containers
$ cd tests
$ docker-compose up -d
$ cd ..
Then, run the tests on a terminal:
./vendor/bin/codecept run
# OR
./vendor/bin/codecept run --debug # Detailed output
Execute unit
test with run unit
$ ./vendor/bin/codecept run unit
To run database related tests you need to run the database
suite specifying
the RDBMS and group:
$ ./vendor/bin/codecept run database -g common
$ ./vendor/bin/codecept run database -g mysql --env mysql
$ ./vendor/bin/codecept run database -g sqlite --env sqlite
$ ./vendor/bin/codecept run database -g pgsql --env pgsql
Available options:
--env mysql
--env sqlite
--env pgsql
Note that certain tests are grouped as common
. Those do not require a
specific database connection. Any other type of test requires the group
parameter for Codeception -g
in order to run. There are certain tests that
can only run in specific RDBMs, and for that our tests use the @group
annotation from Codeception.
We will need a terminal window, so open one if you don't have one already and navigate to the folder where you have cloned the repository (or a fork of it).
Nanobox reads its configuration, so as to start the environment, from a file
called boxfile.yml
located at the root of your folder. By default, the file
is not there to allow for more flexibility. We have two setup files, one for
PHP 7.2 and one for PHP 7.3. If you wish to set up an environment for Phalcon
using PHP 7.2, you can copy the relevant file at the root of your folder:
$ cp -v ./tests/_ci/nanobox/boxfile.7.2.yml ./boxfile.yml
You can also create a 7.3 environment by copying the relevant file.
$ nanobox run
The process will take a while (for the first time) and once it is done you will be inside the environment. The prompt of your terminal will be:
Preparing environment :
:: ********* ::
:: *** ::
++ ::: ::: ++
++ ::: ++
++ ++
_ _ ____ _ _ ____ ___ ____ _ _
|\ | |__| |\ | | | |__) | | \/
| \| | | | \| |__| |__) |__| _/\_
+ You are in a Linux container
+ Your local source code has been mounted into the container
+ Changes to your code in either the container or desktop will be mirrored
+ If you run a server, access it at >>
/app $
Now that zephir is in your environment, you can check it by typing:
/app $ zephir
This should show you the help screen. You can now compile the extension:
/app $ zephir fullclean
/app $ zephir build
After the compilation is completed, you can check if the extension is loaded:
/app $ php -m | grep phalcon
To generate the necessary database schemas, you need to run the relevant script:
/app $ php ./tests/_ci/generage-db-schemas.php
The script looks for classes located under tests/_data/fixtures/Migrations
These classes contain the necessary code to create the relevant SQL statements
for each RDBMS. You can easily inspect one of those files to understand its
structure. Additionally, these migration classes can be instantiated in your
tests to clear the target table, insert new records etc. This methodology
allows us to create the database schema per RDBMS, which will be loaded
automatically from Codeception, but also allows us to clear tables and insert
data we need to them so that our tests are more controlled and isolated.
If there is a need to add an additional table, all you have to do is create the Phalcon model of course but also create the migration class with the relevant SQL statements. Running the generate script (as seen above) will update the schema file so that Codeception can load it in your RDBMS prior to running the tests.
First you need to re-generate base classes for all suites:
/app $ codecept build
Then, run the tests on a terminal:
/app $ codecept run
# OR
/app $ codecept run --debug # Detailed output
Execute unit
test with run unit
/app $ codecept run unit
Execute all tests from a folder:
/app $ codecept run tests/unit/some/folder/
Execute single test:
/app $ codecept run tests/unit/some/folder/some/test/file.php
To run database related tests you need to run the database
suite specifying
the RDBMS and group:
/app $ codecept run tests/database -g common
/app $ codecept run tests/database -g mysql --env mysql
/app $ codecept run tests/database -g sqlite --env sqlite
/app $ codecept run tests/database -g pgsql --env pgsql
Available options:
--env mysql
--env sqlite
--env pgsql
Note: Cache-related tests are slower than others tests because they use wait states (sleep command) to expire generated caches.
Please report any issue if you find out bugs or memory leaks.
<3 Phalcon Framework Team