NestJS CRUD for RESTful API 使用 NestJS + Mysql + Typeorm + Redis + JWT + Swagger 企业中后台管理系统项目RBAC权限管理(细粒度到按钮)、实现单点登录等...
👩🏿💻👨🏾💻👩🏼💻👨🏽💻👩🏻💻中国独立开发者项目列表 -- 分享大家都在做什么
可以实现按下 Option 按钮开始录制,抬起按钮就结束录制,并调用 Groq Whisper Large V3 Turbo 模型进行转译,由于 Groq 的速度非常快,所以大部分的语音输入都可以在 1-2s 内反馈。并且得益于 whisper 的强大能力,转译效果非常不错。
Python SDK, Proxy Server (LLM Gateway) to call 100+ LLM APIs in OpenAI format - [Bedrock, Azure, OpenAI, VertexAI, Cohere, Anthropic, Sagemaker, HuggingFace, Replicate, Groq]
Python tool for converting files and office documents to Markdown.
An mobile web apps template based on the Nuxt ⁴ ecosystem。 一个基于 Nuxt ⁴ 生态系统的移动 web 应用模板,帮助你快速完成业务开发。
pyenv for Windows. pyenv is a simple python version management tool. It lets you easily switch between multiple versions of Python. It's simple, unobtrusive, and follows the UNIX tradition of singl…
Vue.js component for Apache ECharts™.
A node.js version management utility for Windows. Ironically written in Go.
A web application for browsing and managing chat histories from the Cursor editor's AI chat feature. View, search, and export your AI conversations in various formats.
⚡ Empowering JavaScript with native platform APIs. ✨ Best of all worlds (TypeScript, Swift, Objective C, Kotlin, Java, Dart). Use what you love ❤️ Angular, Capacitor, Ionic, React, Solid, Svelte, V…
OCR, layout analysis, reading order, table recognition in 90+ languages
🍺 Scaffolding your Chrome extension! Boilerplates: react \ vue \ svelte \ solid \ preact \ alpine \ lit \ stencil \ inferno \ vanilla
Another vite powered web extension (chrome, firefox, etc.) starter template.
Redis 6.0.20 6.2.14 7.0.15 7.2.4 7.4.0 for Windows
Native port of Redis for Windows. Redis is an in-memory database that persists on disk. The data model is key-value, but many different kind of values are supported: Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Se…
IJPay 让支付触手可及,封装了微信支付、QQ支付、支付宝支付、京东支付、银联支付、PayPal 支付等常用的支付方式以及各种常用的接口。不依赖任何第三方 mvc 框架,仅仅作为工具使用简单快速完成支付模块的开发,可轻松嵌入到任何系统里。右上角点下小星星✨
📄 A curated list of awesome .cursorrules files
Apprise - Push Notifications that work with just about every platform!
Open-source cron job and background task monitoring service, written in Python & Django
A CLI that converts natural language to shell commands.
🔧 Electron based open source toolbox, free integration of rich plug-ins. 基于 electron 的开源工具箱,自由集成丰富插件。