golang advanced http-client
form := httpdoc.NewDocument("https://golang.org/").Forms().Eq(0)
doc := form.Doc()
doc.SetParam("q", "gopher")
doc.Title() // -> "gopher - The Go Programming Language"
doc := httpdoc.NewDocument("https://facebook.com/")
form := doc.Forms().GetByID("login_form")
doc = form.Doc()
doc.SetParam("email", "[email protected]")
doc.SetParam("pass", "*******")
profileID := doc.Submatch(`facebook\.com/([a-z0-9\.\-]+)\?ref=bookmarks`, 1)
println("My profileID: ", profileID)
println("My friends:")
doc = doc.NewDoc(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/friends", profileID))
matches := doc.MatchAll(`\{id:"10\d{10,16}",[^{}]+\}`)
for _, m := range matches {
site, from, to := "https://golang.org/", "en", "ru"
doc := httpdoc.NewDocument("http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=")
doc.SetParam("sl", from)
doc.SetParam("tl", to)
doc.SetParam("u", site)
doc = doc.Frames().Eq(0).Doc() // get document from first iframe
doc = doc.Links().Eq(0).Doc() // get document from first link (A-tag)
assert.Equal(t, doc.Title(), "Язык программирования Go")