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🌌 A network agnostic DHT crawler, monitor, and measurement tool that exposes timely information about DHT networks.


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A libp2p DHT crawler that also monitors the liveness and availability of peers. The crawler connects to the standard DHT bootstrap nodes and then recursively follows all entries in their k-buckets until all peers have been visited. Currently I'm running it for the IPFS and Filecoin networks.

πŸ† The crawler was awarded a prize in the context of the DI2F Workshop hackathon. πŸ†

πŸ“Š A Demo Dashboard can be found here! πŸ“Š

Screenshot from a Grafana dashboard

Table of Contents

Project Status

The crawler is used for a couple of academic project, and I'm running it since July '21 continuously.

The gathered numbers about the IPFS network are in line with existing data like from the wiberlin/ipfs-crawler. Their crawler also powers a dashboard which can be found here.


Nebula is a command line tool and provides the crawl sub-command. To simply crawl the IPFS network run:

nebula crawl --dry-run

Usually the crawler will persist its result in a postgres database - the --dry-run flag prevents it from doing that. One run takes ~5-10 min depending on your internet connection. You can also specify the network you want to crawl by appending, e.g., --network FILECOIN.

See the command line help page below for global configuration options or consult the sub-command specific ones:

   nebula - A libp2p DHT crawler, monitor, and measurement tool that exposes timely information about DHT networks.

   nebula [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   Dennis Trautwein <[email protected]>

   crawl    Crawls the entire network starting with a set of bootstrap nodes.
   monitor  Monitors the network by periodically dialing previously crawled peers.
   resolve  Resolves all multi addresses to their IP addresses and geo location information
   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --debug                                  Set this flag to enable debug logging (default: false) [$NEBULA_DEBUG]
   --log-level value                        Set this flag to a value from 0 (least verbose) to 6 (most verbose). Overrides the --debug flag (default: 4) [$NEBULA_LOG_LEVEL]
   --config FILE                            Load configuration from FILE [$NEBULA_CONFIG_FILE]
   --dial-timeout value                     How long should be waited before a dial is considered unsuccessful (default: 1m0s) [$NEBULA_DIAL_TIMEOUT]
   --prom-port value                        On which port should prometheus serve the metrics endpoint (default: 6666) [$NEBULA_PROMETHEUS_PORT]
   --prom-host value                        Where should prometheus serve the metrics endpoint (default: [$NEBULA_PROMETHEUS_HOST]
   --pprof-port value                       Enable pprof profiling endpoint on given port (default: disabled) [$NEBULA_PPROF_PORT]
   --db-host value                          On which host address can nebula reach the database (default: [$NEBULA_DATABASE_HOST]
   --db-port value                          On which port can nebula reach the database (default: 5432) [$NEBULA_DATABASE_PORT]
   --db-name value                          The name of the database to use (default: nebula) [$NEBULA_DATABASE_NAME]
   --db-password value                      The password for the database to use (default: password) [$NEBULA_DATABASE_PASSWORD]
   --db-user value                          The user with which to access the database to use (default: nebula) [$NEBULA_DATABASE_USER]
   --db-sslmode value                       The sslmode to use when connecting the the database (default: disable) [$NEBULA_DATABASE_SSL_MODE]
   --protocols value [ --protocols value ]  Comma separated list of protocols that this crawler should look for (default: IPFS DHT: ) [$NEBULA_PROTOCOLS]
   --agent-versions-cache-size value        The cache size to hold agent versions in memory (default: 200) [$NEBULA_AGENT_VERSIONS_CACHE_SIZE]
   --protocols-cache-size value             The cache size to hold protocols in memory (default: 100) [$NEBULA_PROTOCOLS_CACHE_SIZE]
   --protocols-set-cache-size value         The cache size to hold sets of protocols in memory (default: 200) [$NEBULA_PROTOCOLS_SET_CACHE_SIZE]
   --help, -h                               show help (default: false)
   --version, -v                            print the version (default: false)

How does it work?


The crawl sub-command starts by connecting to a set of bootstrap nodes and constructing the routing tables (kademlia k-buckets) of the remote peers based on their PeerIds. Then nebula builds random PeerIds with a common prefix length (CPL) and asks each remote peer if they know any peers that are closer to the ones nebula just constructed (XOR distance). This will effectively yield a list of all PeerIds that a peer has in its routing table. The process repeats for all found peers until nebula does not find any new PeerIds.

This process is heavily inspired by the basic-crawler in libp2p/go-libp2p-kad-dht from @aschmahmann.

Every peer that was visited is persisted in the database. The information includes latency measurements (dial/connect/crawl durations), current set of multi addresses, current agent version and current set of supported protocols. If the peer was dialable nebula will also create a session instance that contains the following information:

CREATE TABLE sessions (
    -- A unique id that identifies this particular session
    id                      INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY,
    -- Reference to the remote peer ID.
    peer_id                 INT           NOT NULL,
    -- Timestamp of the first time we were able to visit that peer.
    first_successful_visit  TIMESTAMPTZ   NOT NULL,
    -- Timestamp of the last time we were able to visit that peer.
    last_successful_visit   TIMESTAMPTZ   NOT NULL,
    -- Timestamp when we should start visiting this peer again.
    next_visit_due_at       TIMESTAMPTZ,
    -- When did we notice that this peer is not reachable.
    first_failed_visit      TIMESTAMPTZ,
    -- When did we first notice that this peer is not reachable.
    last_failed_visit       TIMESTAMPTZ,
    -- When did we last visit this peer. For indexing purposes.
    last_visited_at         TIMESTAMPTZ   NOT NULL,
    -- When was this session instance updated the last time
    updated_at              TIMESTAMPTZ   NOT NULL,
    -- When was this session instance created
    created_at              TIMESTAMPTZ   NOT NULL,
    -- Number of successful visits in this session.
    successful_visits_count INTEGER       NOT NULL,
    -- The number of times this session went from pending to open again.
    recovered_count         INTEGER       NOT NULL,
    -- The state this session is in (open, pending, closed)
    -- open: currently considered online
    -- pending: peer missed a dial and is pending to be closed
    -- closed: peer is considered to be offline and session is complete
    state                   session_state NOT NULL,
    -- Number of failed visits before closing this session.
    failed_visits_count     SMALLINT      NOT NULL,
    -- What's the first error before we close this session.
    finish_reason           net_error,
    -- The uptime time range for this session measured from first- to last_successful_visit to
    uptime                  TSTZRANGE     NOT NULL,

    -- The peer ID should always point to an existing peer in the DB
    CONSTRAINT fk_sessions_peer_id FOREIGN KEY (peer_id) REFERENCES peers (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,

    PRIMARY KEY (id, state, last_visited_at)


Columns are ordered to optimize for storage by minimizing padding.

At the end of each crawl nebula persists general statistics about the crawl like the total duration, dialable peers, encountered errors, agent versions etc...

Info: You can use the crawl sub-command with the --dry-run option that skips any database operations.

Command line help page:

   nebula crawl - Crawls the entire network starting with a set of bootstrap nodes.

   nebula crawl [command options] [arguments...]

   --bootstrap-peers value [ --bootstrap-peers value ]  Comma separated list of multi addresses of bootstrap peers [$NEBULA_BOOTSTRAP_PEERS]
   --workers value                                      How many concurrent workers should dial and crawl peers. (default: 1000) [$NEBULA_CRAWL_WORKER_COUNT]
   --limit value                                        Only crawl the specified amount of peers (0 for unlimited) (default: 0) [$NEBULA_CRAWL_PEER_LIMIT]
   --dry-run                                            Don't persist anything to a database (you don't need a running DB) (default: false) [$NEBULA_CRAWL_DRY_RUN]
   --neighbors                                          Whether to persist all k-bucket entries of a particular peer at the end of a crawl. (default: false) [$NEBULA_CRAWL_NEIGHBORS]
   --network value                                      Which network should be crawled (IPFS, FILECOIN, KUSAMA, POLKADOT). Presets default bootstrap peers. (default: IPFS) [$NEBULA_CRAWL_NETWORK]
   --help, -h                                           show help (default: false)


The monitor sub-command polls every 10 seconds all sessions from the database (see above) that are due to be dialed in the next 10 seconds (based on the NextDialAttempt timestamp). It attempts to dial all peers using previously saved multi-addresses and updates their session instances accordingly if they're dialable or not.

The NextDialAttempt timestamp is calculated based on the uptime that nebula has observed for that given peer. If the peer is up for a long time nebula assumes that it stays up and thus decreases the dial frequency aka. sets the NextDialAttempt timestamp to a time further in the future.

Command line help page:

   nebula monitor - Monitors the network by periodically dialing previously crawled peers.

   nebula monitor [command options] [arguments...]

   --workers value  How many concurrent workers should dial peers. (default: 1000) [$NEBULA_MONITOR_WORKER_COUNT]
   --help, -h       show help (default: false)


The resolve sub-command goes through all multi addresses that are present in the database and resolves them to their respective IP-addresses. Behind one multi address can be multiple IP addresses due to, e.g., the dnsaddr protocol. Further, it queries the GeoLite2 database from Maxmind to extract country information about the IP addresses and UdgerDB to detect datacenters. The command saves all information alongside the resolved addresses.

Command line help page:

   nebula resolve - Resolves all multi addresses to their IP addresses and geo location information

   nebula resolve [command options] [arguments...]

   --udger-db value    Location of the Udger database v3 [$NEBULA_RESOLVE_UDGER_DB]
   --batch-size value  How many database entries should be fetched at each iteration (default: 100) [$NEBULA_RESOLVE_BATCH_SIZE]
   --help, -h          show help (default: false)


From source

To compile it yourself run:

go install # Go 1.19 or higher is required (may work with a lower version too)

Make sure the $GOPATH/bin is in your PATH variable to access the installed nebula executable.


To develop this project you need Go > 1.16 and the following tools:

To install the necessary tools you can run make tools. This will use the go install command to download and install the tools into your $GOPATH/bin directory. So make sure you have it in your $PATH environment variable.


You need a running postgres instance to persist and/or read the crawl results. Use the following command to start a local instance of postgres:

docker run --rm -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -e POSTGRES_USER=nebula -e POSTGRES_DB=nebula postgres:14

Info: You can use the crawl sub-command with the --dry-run option that skips any database operations.

The default database settings are:

Name     = "nebula",
Password = "password",
User     = "nebula",
Host     = "localhost",
Port     = 5432,

To apply migrations then run:

# Up migrations
make migrate-up # runs: migrate -database 'postgres://nebula:password@localhost:5432/nebula?sslmode=disable' -path migrations up

# Down migrations
make migrate-down # runs: migrate -database 'postgres://nebula:password@localhost:5432/nebula?sslmode=disable' -path migrations down

# Generate the ORM with SQLBoiler
make models # runs: sqlboiler psql
# This will update all files in the `pkg/models` directory.
# Create new migration
migrate create -ext sql -dir migrations -seq some_migration_name


First, you need to build the nebula docker image:

make docker
# OR
docker build . -t dennis-tra/nebula:latest

The deploy subfolder contains a docker-compose setup to get up and running quickly. It will start and configure nebula (monitoring mode), postgres, prometheus and grafana. The configuration can serve as a starting point to see how things fit together. Then you can start the aforementioned services by changing in the ./deploy directory and running:

docker compose up 

A few seconds later you should be able to access Grafana at localhost:3000. The initial credentials are


There is one preconfigured dashboard in the General folder with the name IPFS Dashboard. To start a crawl that puts its results in the docker compose provisioned postgres database run:

# OR
docker run \
  --network nebula \
  --name nebula \
  --hostname nebula \
  dennis-tra/nebula:latest \
  nebula --db-host=postgres crawl

Currently, I'm running the crawler docker-less on a tiny VPS in a 30m interval. The corresponding crontab configuration is:

*/30 * * * * /some/path/nebula crawl 2> /var/log/nebula/crawl-$(date "+\%w-\%H-\%M")-stderr.log 1> /var/log/nebula/crawl-$(date "+\%w-\%H-\%M")-stdout.log

The logs will rotate every 7 days.

To run the crawler for multiple DHTs the idea is to also start multiple instances of nebula with the corresponding configuration. For instance, I'm running the crawler for the IPFS and Filecoin networks. The monitoring commands look like this:

nebula --prom-port=6667 monitor # for IPFS
nebula --prom-port=6669 --config filecoin.json monitor # for Filecoin

The filecoin.json file contains the following content:

  "BootstrapPeers": [
  "DialTimeout": 60000000000,
  "CrawlWorkerCount": 1000,
  "MonitorWorkerCount": 1000,
  "CrawlLimit": 0,
  "MinPingInterval": 30000000000,
  "PrometheusHost": "localhost",
  "PrometheusPort": 6668, // this is overwritten by the command line arg and only picked up by the crawl command
  "DatabaseHost": "localhost",
  "DatabasePort": 5432,
  "DatabaseName": "nebula_filecoin",
  "DatabasePassword": "<password>",
  "DatabaseUser": "nebula_filecoin",
  "Protocols": [

This configuration is created upon the first start of nebula in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nebula/config.json and can be adapted from there.

The corresponding crawl commands look like:

nebula crawl # for IPFS (uses defaults like prom-port 6666)
nebula --config filecoin.json crawl --network FILECOIN # for Filecoin (uses configuration prom-port 6668)

The workers flag configures the amount of concurrent connection/dials. I increased it until I didn't notice any performance improvement anymore.

So this is the prometheus ports configuration:

  • nebula crawl - ipfs - 6666
  • nebula monitor - ipfs - 6667
  • nebula crawl - filecoin - 6668
  • nebula monitor - filecoin - 6669

Furthermore, nebula has a flag called --pprof-port. If this flag is set it also serves pprof at localhost:pprof-port for debugging.


There is a top-level analysis folder that contains various scripts to help understand the gathered data. More information can be found in the respective subfolders README file. The following evaluations can be found there

  • geoip - Uses a Maxmind database to map IP addresses to country ISO codes and plots the results.
  • churn - Uses a sessions database dump to construct a CDF of peer session lengths.
  • mixed - Multiple plotting scripts for various metrics of interest. See wcgcyx/nebula-crawler for plots as I have just copied the scripts from there.
  • report - A semi-automated set of scripts to generate the reports for dennis-tra/nebula-crawler-reports
  • More to come...

Related Efforts




Feel free to dive in! Open an issue or submit PRs.


It would really make my day if you supported this project through Buy Me A Coffee.

Other Projects

You may be interested in one of my other projects:

  • pcp - Command line peer-to-peer data transfer tool based on libp2p.
  • image-stego - A novel way to image manipulation detection. Steganography-based image integrity - Merkle tree nodes embedded into image chunks so that each chunk's integrity can be verified on its own.
  • antares - A gateway and pinning service probing tool.


Apache License Version 2.0 Β© Dennis Trautwein


🌌 A network agnostic DHT crawler, monitor, and measurement tool that exposes timely information about DHT networks.







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