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OpenPassport App


Requirement Version Installation Guide
nodejs > v18 Install nodejs
circom Latest Install circom
snarkjs Latest Install snarkjs


Requirement Version Installation Guide
Java 11 Install Java or GPT4 guide
Android Studio Latest Install Android Studio
Android SDK Latest Install Android SDK
Android Ndk 23.1.7779620 Install NDK or GPT4 guide


Requirement Version Installation Guide
Xcode Latest Install Xcode
cocoapods Latest Install cocoapods


yarn install-app

Run the app

First, connect your phone to your computer and allow access.


Create the file android/ with the following content:


Launch the react-native server:

yarn start

Press a to open the app on Android.

To see the Android logs you'll have to use the Android Studio Logcat.


⚠️ To run the app on iOS, you will need a paying Apple Developer account. Free accounts can't run apps that use NFC reading.
Contact us if you need it to contribute.

Open the ios project on Xcode and add your provisionning profile in Targets > OpenPassport > Signing and Capabilities

Then, install pods:

cd ios
pod install

And run the app in Xcode.

Modify the circuits

If you want to modify the circuits, you'll have to adapt a few things.

First, go to the circuit folder of the monorepo, modify the circuits and build them.

Then, upload the zipped zkeys built at publicly available urls and replace the urls in app/src/utils/zkeyDownload.ts.

Adapt the input generation in common/src/utils/generateInputs.ts, and adapt and redeploy the contracts.


Find your android ndk path. It should be something like /Users/<your-user-name>/Library/Android/sdk/ndk/23.1.7779620 Build the android native module:

export ANDROID_NDK="<your-android-ndk-path>"


Find your development team id and run:

export DEVELOPMENT_TEAM="<your-development-team-id>"

Export a new release


Export as apk

cd android
./gradlew assembleRelease

The built apk it located at android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk

Publish on the Play Store

As explained here, first setup android/app/my-upload-key.keystore and the private vars in ~/.gradle/, then run:

npx react-native build-android --mode=release

This builds android/app/build/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab.

Then to test the release on an android phone, delete the previous version of the app and run:

yarn android --mode release

Don't forget to bump versionCode in android/app/build.gradle.


In Xcode, go to Product>Archive then follow the flow.

Don't forget to bump the build number.


If you get something like this:

'std::__1::system_error: open: /proof-of-passport/app: Operation not permitted'

You might want to try this:

watchman watch-del-all
watchman shutdown-server