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A fast in-memory geospatial index and query library in C++. The library supports the following

  • indexing of arbitray object types with geolocation tag via C++ template
  • efficient geohash-based spatial partitioning and search tree implementation for geospatial query
  • optional persistency support for NoSQL library including Redis and MongoDB (in-progress)
  • cross-platform availability incluing MacOSX, iOS, GNU Linux, Node.js and Windows


To create a new geocache matrix, do

#include <matrix.hpp>

libgeocached::Matrix<DataObject> matrix; //DataObject can be any type

To add an object into the matrix and associate it with an id and location tag:

//data insertion
ObjectID id1 = ObjectIDNew();
DataObject obj("dummy");
GCLocation location =  GCLocationMake(23.23234, -123.34324);
matrix.insert(id1, obj, location);

To query for all objects within a circular geographical area

#include <vector>
//define a circle area with center lat/lng and 1000 meter radius
GCCircle circle = GCCircleMake(GCLocationMake(23.23234, -123.34324), 1000);
std::vector<DataObject> objs;

//circular query
matrix.objs_in_circle(circle, objs);

for(DataObject& obj : objs)
    cout << obj << endl;

Internal Implementation

libgeocached uses an efficient search tree implementation called GCTree for hierarchical partitioning of geographical space and object indexing. Each tree node represents a rectangular geo cell with bounding latitude (north,south) and longitude (west,east) edges. It uses a binary representation of the geohash values for both lat and lng. For example, a 15bit precision binary geohash

latitude:  0b101000010000101
longitude: 0b001010000100101

represents a rectangle bounding box of the following edge values

lat_south:	23.2305908203125
lat_north:	23.236083984375
lng_west:	-123.343505859375
lng_east:	-123.33251953125

Each internal tree node has a branching degree of 4, with each child representing adding an additional lowest bit to its latitude and longitude values

lat lng
0   0    south half along latitude, west half along longitude
0   1    south half along latitude, east half along longitude
1   0    north half along latitude, west half along longitude
1   1    north half along latitude, east half along longitude

By going down 1 tree level, the geo cell is partitioned into four sub regions by halfing at the centre line along both latitude and longitude directions. Internal node at tree level k represents a geo rectangle having k bit precision (assuming 0 bit at root node). The leaf node of the tree has the highest bit precision and therefore corresponding to the smallest geo rectangle. Reference to the objects are stored at the leaf nodes.

Runtime Complexity

For a fixed maximum bit representation, the height of the GCTree is bounded by the number of bits K. Therefore inserting an object into the tree is bounded by O(K) . Deletion via geolocaiton tag also requires finding the leaf node containing the object which is O(K).

A spatial query on the gctree resembles that of a R-tree operation by first locating the minimum bounding rectangle cell encompassing the query region, and then recursively traverse down the sub regions and collect all objects fall within the query area.


More performance evaluation matrix to come for the next milestone release


Current: 0.0.1

Build and Install

platform specific build scripts and projects are available under build folders



Denny C. Dai [email protected] or visit


The MIT License (MIT)