This is a "hello world" example that uses a variety of Bazel features. There is a backend server and a couple of front-end applications that use this backend, including:
To build these examples, you will need to install Bazel.
The backend server listens for requests to localhost:8080 and replies with a
JSON string: {'requested' : '/my-page'}
(or whatever the URI was that you
You can build and run this server by running:
$ bazel build //backend
$ bazel-bin/backend/backend
The backend server uses the AppEngine SDK to run a local webserver. The first time you build this target, it will download the entire SDK (~160MB), which may take a little while. (After that first build, it should be cached.)
Once the bazel-bin/backend/backend
INFO: Dev App Server is now running
, you can visit any URI relative to
localhost:8080 and get a response from the server.
iOS application ---------------The iOS application is a a single view which retrives the contents of the HTTP response received for a given URL (such as localhost:8080). It displays the response in a text view.
You can build the application by running:
$ bazel build //ios-app:GetUrl
Bazel will generate some output files, most notably bazel-bin/ios-app/UrlGet.xcodeproj
Open up this file in xcode and run the application on your target device (or a device simulator).
Web application ---------------TODO