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Assignment 2


Name: Wenjun Wu

GT username: wwu94

Project Info

Implementation Platform: MATLAB 2016b and ABAGAIL Java Package ([]

Wilt Dataset:


This project experimented with four random search algorithms: randomized hill climbing, simulated annealing, genetic algorithm and MIMIC.

Neural Network Weight Optimization

Randomized Hill Climbing (RHC)

execute Neural Network\hill\nn_usinghill.m

​ to print out result: NN\hill\print.m

​ change 'MaxIter' to the number of iterations desired

​ results are stored in .mat files

Genetic Algorithms

execute Neural Network\ga\nn_usingga.m

​ to print out result: NN\hill\print.m

​ change 'MaxIter' to the number of iterations desired

​ results are stored in .mat files

Simulated Annealing

execute Neural Network\sa\nn_usingsa.m

​ to print out result: NN\hill\print.m

​ results are stored in .mat files

Optimization Problems

Knapsack Problem

execute ABAGAIL\src\opt\test\

​ change N to be the desired number of items

​ enter the desired iterations

Traveling Salesman Problem

execute ABAGAIL\src\opt\test\

​ change N to be the desired number of items

​ enter the desired iterations

Count Ones Problem

execute ABAGAIL\src\opt\test\

​ change N to be the desired number of items

​ enter the desired iterations