A repository for fitting a structured causal model (SCM) to single cell experimental data. Can build a graphical models of the corresponding proteomic network using Indra.
- Upstream data processing
- Conversion into required format
- Missing value imputation
- Feature summarization
- Batch correction/normalization
- Graph creation
- Retrieve biological relationships**
- Indra?
- Reduce to DAG
- Remove "bad" nodes (feature reduction)
- Build causal graph with latent edges*
- Retrieve biological relationships**
- Apply causal inference
- Find identifiable queries
- y0
- Fit model
- What functional form
- doWhy(?) - https://py-why.github.io/dowhy/main/user_guide/gcm_based_inference
- non-parametric - Ananke(?)
- More advanced methods for dealing with cycles (relates to graph creation)
- Latent Variable Models - Sara's code
- Intervention Analysis
- Confidence Intervals
- Distributional changes(?)
- Counterfactual Analysis
- Cluster cells and predict output?
- Look at impact of counterfactuals in different clusters and derive some meaning
- Simple application with doWhy is easy.. the question is why to do this?
- Cluster cells and predict output?
- Find identifiable queries
- Available in package ** Partially available