通过该接口,可以查询别名列表,通过s cli fc-api listAliases -h
s cli fc-api listAliases
API Document: https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/191166.html
--region string The region of fc endpoint.
--access string Specify the key name.
--props string The json string of props.
--limit string The maximum number of resources to be returned. Default value: 20. Maximum
value: 100. The number of returned resources is smaller than or equal to the
specified number.
--nextToken string The token used to obtain more results. If the number of resources exceeds the
limit, the nextToken parameter is returned. Include this parameter in
subsequent calls to obtain more results. You do not need to provide this
parameter in the first call.
--prefix string The prefix that the names of returned resources must contain.
--startKey string The start position of the result list. Results are in alphabetical order and
the results that follow startKey (inclusive) are listed.
--serviceName string The name of the service.
s cli fc-api listAliases