A method for querying newly generated organoid single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data to the Human Endoderm Organoid Cell Atlas (HEOCA). HEOCA is an integrated single-cell transcriptome collection that includes 218 samples from organoids derived from various endoderm tissues, including the lung, pancreas, intestine, liver, biliary system, stomach, and prostate. This current version of HEOCA includes nearly one million cells from a variety of conditions, data sources, and protocols.
An integrated transcriptomic cell atlas of human endoderm-derived organoids. Quan Xu, Lennard Halle, Soroor Hediyeh-zadeh, Merel Kuijs, Umut Kilik, Qianhui Yu, Tristan Frum, Lukas Adam, Shrey Parikh, Manuel Gander, Raphael Kfuri-Rubens, Dominik Klein, Zhisong He, Jonas Simon Fleck, Koen Oost, Maurice Kahnwald, Silvia Barbiero, Olga Mitrofanova, Grzegorz Maciag, Kim B. Jensen, Matthias Lutolf, Prisca Liberali, Joep Beumer, Jason R. Spence, Barbara Treutlein, Fabian J. Theis, J. Gray Camp. bioRxiv 2023.11.20.567825; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.11.20.567825
conda create -n sc2heoca python==3.9.16
conda activate sc2heoca
git clone [email protected]:devsystemslab/sc2heoca.git
pip install sc2heoca/
- Download the reference atlas from Zenodo
mkdir -p heoca_atlas
cd heoca_atlas
wget https://zenodo.org/records/10977447/files/gut_scpoli_integration.h5ad
- Download the reference model from Zenodo
wget https://zenodo.org/record/8186773/files/heoca_scpoli_model.v1.0.zip
tar xvzf heoca_scpoli_model.v1.0.zip -C heoca_atlas
rm heoca_scpoli_model.v1.0.zip
Reference atlas and available reference models from HEOCA project
Example data download from GEO(GSM5628936)
import scanpy as sc
from sc2heoca.sc2heoca import Query
- Load new sample
adata_query = sc.read_10x_mtx(path='Chan_NatCommun_2022',
- Query new sample
model_dir = "heoca_atlas"
query = Query(model_dir=model_dir, load_ref=True)
adata_query = query.run_scpoli(adata_query=adata_query,
- Plot query result UMAP
adata4plot = query.merge4plot(adata_query)
sc.pl.umap(adata4plot, color=['predict_level_2'], palette=query.colorpalette,
frameon=False, size=5)
- Find DE genes to HECOA
de_res = query.find_de_genes(adata_query, tissue='lung')
- The preferred way to get support is through the Github issues page.