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File metadata and controls

348 lines (295 loc) · 14.5 KB

How to download photo?

To download a picture (or any other file), you will need the file_path of the file. Let start by finding the photo we want to download, the following method will extract the PhotoSize from a photo sent to the bot (in our case, we are taken the bigger size of those provided):

public PhotoSize getPhoto(Update update) {
    // Check that the update contains a message and the message has a photo
    if (update.hasMessage() && update.getMessage().hasPhoto()) {
        // When receiving a photo, you usually get different sizes of it
        List<PhotoSize> photos = update.getMessage().getPhoto();

        // We fetch the bigger photo

    // Return null if not found
    return null;

Once we have the photo we have to options: The file_path is already present or we need to get it, the following method will handle both of them and return the final file_path:

public String getFilePath(PhotoSize photo) {

    if (photo.hasFilePath()) { // If the file_path is already present, we are done!
        return photo.getFilePath();
    } else { // If not, let find it
        // We create a GetFile method and set the file_id from the photo
        GetFile getFileMethod = new GetFile();
        try {
            // We execute the method using AbsSender::execute method.
            File file = execute(getFileMethod);
            // We now have the file_path
            return file.getFilePath();
        } catch (TelegramApiException e) {
    return null; // Just in case

Now that we have the file_path we can download it:

public downloadPhotoByFilePath(String filePath) {
    try {
        // Download the file calling AbsSender::downloadFile method
        return downloadFile(filePath);
    } catch (TelegramApiException e) {

    return null;

The returned object will be your photo

How to display ChatActions like "typing" or "recording a voice message"?

Quick example here that is showing ChactActions for commands like "/type" or "/record_audio"

if (update.hasMessage() && update.getMessage().hasText()) {

    String text = update.getMessage().getText();

    SendChatAction sendChatAction = new SendChatAction();

    if (text.equals("/type")) {
        // -> "typing"
        // -> "recording a voice message"
    } else if (text.equals("/record_audio")) {
    } else {
        // -> more actions in the Enum ActionType
        // For information:

    try {
        Boolean wasSuccessfull = execute(sendChatAction);
    } catch (TelegramApiException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

How to send photos?

There are several methods to send a photo to an user using sendPhoto method: With a file_id, with an url or uploading the file. In this example, we assume that we already have the chat_id where we want to send the photo:

    public void sendImageFromUrl(String url, String chatId) {
        // Create send method
        SendPhoto sendPhotoRequest = new SendPhoto();
        // Set destination chat id
        // Set the photo url as a simple photo
        sendPhotoRequest.setPhoto(new InputFile(url));
        try {
            // Execute the method
        } catch (TelegramApiException e) {

    public void sendImageFromFileId(String fileId, String chatId) {
        // Create send method
        SendPhoto sendPhotoRequest = new SendPhoto();
        // Set destination chat id
        // Set the photo url as a simple photo
        sendPhotoRequest.setPhoto(new InputFile(fileId));
        try {
            // Execute the method
        } catch (TelegramApiException e) {

    public void sendImageUploadingAFile(String filePath, String chatId) {
        // Create send method
        SendPhoto sendPhotoRequest = new SendPhoto();
        // Set destination chat id
        // Set the photo file as a new photo (You can also use InputStream with a constructor overload)
        sendPhotoRequest.setPhoto(new InputFile(new File(filePath)));
        try {
            // Execute the method
        } catch (TelegramApiException e) {

How to send stickers?

There are several ways to send a sticker, but now we will use file_id and url.

file_id: To get the file_id, you have to send your sticker to the Get Sticker ID bot and then you will receive a string. url: All you need to have is an link to the sticker in .webp format, like This.


Just call the method below in your onUpdateReceived(Update update) method.

// Sticker_file_id is received from @idstickerbot bot  
	private void StickerSender(Update update, String Sticker_file_id) { 
 //the ChatId that  we received form Update class  
	String ChatId = update.getMessage().getChatId().toString();  
  // Create an InputFile containing Sticker's file_id or URL  
	InputFile StickerFile = new InputFile(Sticker_file_id);  
  // Create a SendSticker object using the ChatId and StickerFile  
	SendSticker TheSticker = new SendSticker(ChatId, StickerFile); 
  // Will reply the sticker to the message sent  
  try {  // Execute the method
  } catch (TelegramApiException e) {  

How to send photo by its file_id?

In this example we will check if user sends to bot a photo, if it is, get Photo's file_id and send this photo by file_id to user.

// If it is a photo
if (update.hasMessage() && update.getMessage().hasPhoto()) {
    // Array with photos
    List<PhotoSize> photos = update.getMessage().getPhoto();
    // Get largest photo's file_id
    String f_id =
    // Send photo by file_id we got before
    SendPhoto msg = new SendPhoto()
            .setPhoto(new InputFile(f_id))
    try {
        execute(msg); // Call method to send the photo
    } catch (TelegramApiException e) {

How to use custom keyboards?

Custom keyboards can be appended to messages using the setReplyMarkup. In this example, we will build a simple ReplyKeyboardMarkup with two rows and three buttons per row, but you can also use other types like ReplyKeyboardHide, ForceReply or InlineKeyboardMarkup:

    public void sendCustomKeyboard(String chatId) {
        SendMessage message = new SendMessage();
        message.setText("Custom message text");

        // Create ReplyKeyboardMarkup object
        ReplyKeyboardMarkup keyboardMarkup = new ReplyKeyboardMarkup();
        // Create the keyboard (list of keyboard rows)
        List<KeyboardRow> keyboard = new ArrayList<>();
        // Create a keyboard row
        KeyboardRow row = new KeyboardRow();
        // Set each button, you can also use KeyboardButton objects if you need something else than text
        row.add("Row 1 Button 1");
        row.add("Row 1 Button 2");
        row.add("Row 1 Button 3");
        // Add the first row to the keyboard
        // Create another keyboard row
        row = new KeyboardRow();
        // Set each button for the second line
        row.add("Row 2 Button 1");
        row.add("Row 2 Button 2");
        row.add("Row 2 Button 3");
        // Add the second row to the keyboard
        // Set the keyboard to the markup
        // Add it to the message

        try {
            // Send the message
        } catch (TelegramApiException e) {

InlineKeyboardMarkup use list to capture the buttons instead of KeyboardRow.

   public void sendInlineKeyboard(String chatId) {
        SendMessage message = new SendMessage();
        message.setText("Inline model below.");

        // Create InlineKeyboardMarkup object
        InlineKeyboardMarkup inlineKeyboardMarkup = new InlineKeyboardMarkup();
        // Create the keyboard (list of InlineKeyboardButton list)
        List<List<InlineKeyboardButton>> keyboard = new ArrayList<>();
        // Create a list for buttons
        List<InlineKeyboardButton> Buttons = new ArrayList<InlineKeyboardButton>();
        // Initialize each button, the text must be written
        InlineKeyboardButton youtube= new InlineKeyboardButton("youtube");
        // Also must use exactly one of the optional fields,it can edit  by set method
        // Add button to the list
        // Initialize each button, the text must be written
        InlineKeyboardButton github= new InlineKeyboardButton("github");
        // Also must use exactly one of the optional fields,it can edit  by set method
        // Add button to the list
        // Add it to the message

        try {
        // Send the message
        } catch (TelegramApiException e) {

How can I run my bot?

You don't need to spend a lot of money into hosting your own telegram bot. Basically, there are two options around how to host:

  1. Hosting on your own hardware. It can be a Mini-PC like a Raspberry Pi. The costs for the hardware (~35€) and annual costs for power (~7-8€) are low. Keep in mind that your internet connection might be limited and a Mini-Pc is not ideal for a large users base.
  2. Run your bot in a Virtual Server/dedicated root server. There are many hosters out there that are providing cheap servers that fit your needs. The cheapest one should be openVZ-Containers or a KVM vServer. Example providers are Hetzner, DigitalOcean, (are providing systems that have a high availability but cost's a bit more) and OVH For a deeper explanation for deploying your bot on DigitalOcean please see the Lesson 5. Deploy your bot chapter in MonsterDeveloper's book

How can I compile my project?

This is just one way, how you can compile it (here with maven). The example below below is compiling the TelegramBotsExample repo. asciicast

Method sendMessage() (or other) is deprecated, what should I do?

Please use execute() instead. Example:

SendMessage message = new SendMessage();
//add chat id and text

If you extend TelegramLongPollingCommandBot, then use AbsSender.execute() instead.

Is there any example for WebHook?

Please see the example Bot for in the TelegramBotsExample repo and also an example bot for Sping Boot from UnAfraid here

How to use spring boot starter

Your main spring boot class should look like this:

public class YourApplicationMainClass {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

After that your bot will look like:

  //Standard Spring component annotation
  public class YourBotClassName extends TelegramLongPollingBot {
    //Bot body.

Also you could just implement LongPollingBot or WebHookBot interfaces. All this bots will be registered in context and connected to Telegram api.