If the contract upgradability logic is correct.
If the underlying token in dToken is secure and not exposure to any risks.
If dToken is compatible with underlying tokens such as USDx/USDT(Non-standard ERC20)/USDC/DAI/TUSD/PAX/BUSD/HUSD/HBTC/rBTC/WBTC/imBTC(ERC777), especially non-standard erc20 and erc777 compliant token.
If able to handle governance token of underlying supported protocols (i.e Compound).
If handler are able to properly integrate with lending protocols, such as compound / aave.
If the calculation of dToken exchange rate is correct, especially when allocated to Compound and interacting with cToken, is there any possible for exchange rate manipulation and attack vector.
If allocation strategy (when deposit) and withdraw strategy(when burn/redeem) are implemented correct.
If rebalance functionality is properly implemented.
If authority functionality is properly implemented.
If dToken is exposed to any Flashloan attack vector(interest rate calculation difference of supported protocols)
Hint: resetHandlers function is kind of recovery tool, internalHander must be set to index 0 position.