Boundary-enhanced Co-training for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation (To appear in CVPR 2023)
Shenghai Rong, Bohai Tu, Zilei Wang, Junjie Li
- Python 3.8, PyTorch 1.11.0, and more in requirements.txt
- PASCAL VOC 2012 devkit
- NVIDIA GPU with more than 24GB of memory
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Download Pascal VOC2012 dataset from the official dataset homepage.
- Download ImageNet pretrained model of DeeplabV3+ from mmclassification .
- And rename the downloaded pth as "resnetv1d101_mmcv.pth"
- Pleaase refer to ./first-stage/irn/ for details.
- After generating pseudo-labels and confidence masks, please rename their directories as "irn_pseudo_label" and "irn_mask" respectively.
- The generated irn_pseudo_label and irn_mask are also provided here for reproducing our method more directly. [Google Drive] / [Baidu Drive]
$ cd BECO/
$ mkdir data
$ mkdir data/model_zoo
$ mkdir data/logging
And put the data and pretrained model in the corresponding directories like:
--- VOC2012/
--- Annotations/
--- ImageSet/
--- JPEGImages/
--- SegmentationClass/
--- ...
--- irn_pseudo_label/
--- ****.png
--- ****.png
--- irn_mask/
--- ****.png
--- ****.png
--- model_zoo/
--- resnetv1d101_mmcv.pth
--- logging/
$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python -dist --logging_tag beco1
This code also supports AMP acceleration to reduce the GPU memory cost in half. Note that the "batch_size" in refers to the batch_size of per GPU. So you should modify it when using different numbers of GPUs to keep the total batch_size of 16.
$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -dist --logging_tag beco1 --amp
$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --test --logging_tag beco1 --ckpt best_ckpt.pth
Please refer to pydensecrf to install CRF python library for testing with the CRF post-processing.
$ python --crf --logits_dir ./data/logging/beco1/logits --mode "val"
Method | Dataset | Backbone | Weights | Val mIoU (w/o CRF) |
BECO | VOC2012 | ResNet101 | [Google Drive] / [Baidu Drive] | 70.9 |
BECO | COCO2014 | ResNet101 | [Google Drive] / [Baidu Drive] | 45.6 |