Simplified implementation of ROMP [ICCV21] and BEV [CVPR22]
As shown in the main page, the differences between ROMP and BEV are:
ROMP has a lighter head to efficiently estimate the SMPL 3D pose/shape parameters and roughly 2D position/scale of people in the image.
BEV explicitly reasons about relative depths of people and support all age groups with SMPL+A model.
pip install --upgrade setuptools numpy cython
pip install --upgrade simple_romp
or download the package and install it from source:
python install
For Mac users, we strongly recommand to upgrade your pytorch to the latest version to support more basic operations used in BEV. To achieve this, please run
pip install --upgrade torch torchvision
Webcam demo:
romp --mode=webcam --show
bev --mode=webcam --show
For faster inference with romp on CPU, you may run romp --mode=webcam --show --onnx
For Mac Users, please use the original terminal instead of other terminal app (e.g. iTerm2) to avoid the bug zsh: abort
In this folder, we prepare some demo images for testing.
Processing a single image:
romp --mode=image --calc_smpl --render_mesh -i=/path/to/image.jpg -o=/path/to/results.jpg
bev -i /path/to/image.jpg -o /path/to/results.jpg
Processing a folder of images:
romp --mode=video --calc_smpl --render_mesh -i=/path/to/image/folder/ -o=/path/to/output/folder/
bev -m video -i /path/to/image/folder/ -o /path/to/output/folder/
Processing a video:
romp --mode=video --calc_smpl --render_mesh -i=/path/to/video.mp4 -o=/path/to/output/folder/results.mp4 --save_video
bev -m video -i /path/to/video.mp4 -o /path/to/output/folder/results.mp4 --save_video
Common optional functions:
# show the results during processing image / video, add:
# items you want to visualized, including mesh,pj2d,j3d,mesh_bird_view,mesh_side_view,center_conf,rotate_mesh. Please add if you want to see more:
ROMP only optional functions:
# to smooth the results in webcam / video processing, add: (the smaller the smooth_coeff (sc) is, the smoother the motion would be)
-t -sc=3.
# to use the onnx version of ROMP for faster inference, please add:
# to show the largest person only (remove the small subjects in background), add:
Note that if you are using CPU for ROMP inference, we highly recommand to add --onnx
for much faster speed.
Both ROMP and BEV can be called as a python lib for further development.
import romp
settings = romp.main.default_settings
# settings is just a argparse Namespace. To change it, for instance, you can change mode via
# settings.mode='video'
romp_model = romp.ROMP(settings)
outputs = romp_model(cv2.imread('path/to/image.jpg'))
import bev
settings = bev.main.default_settings
# settings is just a argparse Namespace. To change it, for instance, you can change mode via
# settings.mode='video'
bev_model = bev.BEV(settings)
outputs = bev_model(cv2.imread('path/to/image.jpg'))
Please refer to for details.
To convert the trained ROMP model '.pkl' (like ROMP.pkl) to simple-romp '.pth' model, please run
cd /path/to/ROMP/simple_romp/
python tools/ ROMP.pkl ROMP.pth
import numpy as np
results = np.load('/path/to/results.npz',allow_pickle=True)['results'][()]
We generate 2D/3D position of 71 joints from estimated 3D body meshes.
The 71 joints are 24 SMPL joints + 30 extra joints + 17 h36m joints:
SMPL_24 = {
'Pelvis_SMPL':0, 'L_Hip_SMPL':1, 'R_Hip_SMPL':2, 'Spine_SMPL': 3, 'L_Knee':4, 'R_Knee':5, 'Thorax_SMPL': 6, 'L_Ankle':7, 'R_Ankle':8,'Thorax_up_SMPL':9,
'L_Toe_SMPL':10, 'R_Toe_SMPL':11, 'Neck': 12, 'L_Collar':13, 'R_Collar':14, 'Jaw':15, 'L_Shoulder':16, 'R_Shoulder':17,
'L_Elbow':18, 'R_Elbow':19, 'L_Wrist': 20, 'R_Wrist': 21, 'L_Hand':22, 'R_Hand':23}
'Nose':24, 'R_Eye':25, 'L_Eye':26, 'R_Ear': 27, 'L_Ear':28,
'L_BigToe':29, 'L_SmallToe': 30, 'L_Heel':31, 'R_BigToe':32,'R_SmallToe':33, 'R_Heel':34,
'L_Hand_thumb':35, 'L_Hand_index': 36, 'L_Hand_middle':37, 'L_Hand_ring':38, 'L_Hand_pinky':39,
'R_Hand_thumb':40, 'R_Hand_index':41,'R_Hand_middle':42, 'R_Hand_ring':43, 'R_Hand_pinky': 44,
'R_Hip': 45, 'L_Hip':46, 'Neck_LSP':47, 'Head_top':48, 'Pelvis':49, 'Thorax_MPII':50,
'Spine_H36M':51, 'Jaw_H36M':52, 'Head':53}
H36m 17 joints are just regressed them for fair comparison with previous methods. I am not sure their precise joint names.
Codes released under MIT license. All rights reserved by Yu Sun.