Import OCaml programs to Coq.
Start with the file
type 'a tree =
| Leaf of 'a
| Node of 'a tree * 'a tree
let rec sum tree =
match tree with
| Leaf n -> n
| Node (tree1, tree2) -> sum tree1 + sum tree2
Get a file Main.v
Require Import OCaml.OCaml.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Local Open Scope type_scope.
Import ListNotations.
Inductive tree (a : Set) : Set :=
| Leaf : a -> tree a
| Node : tree a -> tree a -> tree a.
Arguments Leaf {_}.
Arguments Node {_}.
Fixpoint sum (tree : tree Z) : Z :=
match tree with
| Leaf n => n
| Node tree1 tree2 => Z.add (sum tree1) (sum tree2)
- core of OCaml (functions, let bindings, pattern-matching,...) ✔️
- type definitions (records, inductive types, synonyms, mutual types) ✔️
- modules as namespaces ✔️
- modules as dependent records (signatures, functors, first-class modules) ✔️
- projects with complex dependencies using
files ✔️ .ml
files ✔️- existential types ✔️
- partial support of GADTs 🌊
- partial support of polymorphic variants 🌊
- ignores extensible types ❌
- ignores side-effects ❌
Even in case of errors we try to generate some Coq code. The generated Coq code should be readable and with a size similar to the OCaml source. One should not hesitate to fix remaining compilation errors, by hand or with a script (name collisions, missing Require
Using the package manager opam, add the Coq repository:
opam repo add coq-released
and run:
opam install coq-of-ocaml
To install the current development version:
opam pin add
Read the coq-of-ocaml.opam
file at the root of the project to know the dependencies to install and get the list of commands to build the project.
compiles the .ml
or .mli
files using Merlin to understand the dependencies of a project. One first needs to have a compiled project with a working configuration of Merlin. The basic command is:
If this does not work as expected, you may specify the path to a .merlin
coq-of-ocaml -merlin src/.merlin path/
You can start to experiment with the test files in tests/
or look at our online examples.
MIT © Guillaume Claret.