Quick start kotlin multiplatform Embed Ruby in Kotlin
The code is ready to execute
If you have gradle in path, then invoke gradle as
gradle assemble
If you have wrapper for linux
./gradlew assemble
If you have wrapper for windows
.\gradlew assemble
Then execute bellow task to start the OpenGL application
.\gradlew runReleaseExecutableLibgnuplot
Important Note:
- Verify libx64-msvcrt-ruby260.dll.a and header files in in MSYS2 C:\msys64\mingw64\include\ruby-2.6.0\x64-mingw32, install ruby accordingly by installing mingw-w64-x86_64-ruby
Important Note:
- You need to execute this code executable from the MSYS2 terminal, otherwise in won't work
- MSYS2 needs to be installed as c:\msys64