This repository contains customized configurations for the Neovim development environment, including specific plugins and keymaps to enhance productivity. It makes use of LazyVim as a preconfigured set of plugins and settings to simplify the use of Neovim.
wsl --install
wsl --set-default-version 2
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
// if it doesn't work try using
set install_script (curl -fsSL
Change 'YourUserName' with the device username
(echo; echo 'eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"') >> /home/YourUserName/.bashrc
eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install build-essential
brew install nvim
brew install node
brew install npm
brew install git
brew install fish
// set as default:
which fish
// this will return a path, let‘s call it whichFishResultingPath
// add it as an available shell
echo whichFishResultingPath | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
// set it as default
sudo chsh -s wichFishResultingPath
curl | fish
brew install gcc
brew install fzf
brew install fd
brew install ripgrep
brew install zellij
If you find any issues with this method, use "Cargo" to install Zellij
// if installed with brew:
brew uninstall zellij
// Install Rust (needed for Cargo)
curl -sSf | sh
// Install Zellij using cargo
cargo install --locked zelli
git clone
cp -r Gentleman.Dots/GentlemanNvim/* ~/.config
Restart Neovim to apply the changes.
Some people is having issues when running NVIM after doing the transfer script, the way to fix them is to remove harpoon.lua
, open NVIM, and then add the plugin again.
This file configures the codeium.vim plugin, providing keyboard shortcuts for accepting, completing, and clearing suggestions.
return {
config = function()
vim.keymap.set("i", "<C-g>", function()
return vim.fn["codeium#Accept"]()
end, { expr = true })
vim.keymap.set("i", "<C-l>", function()
return vim.fn["codeium#CycleCompletions"](1)
end, { expr = true })
vim.keymap.set("i", "<C-M>", function()
return vim.fn["codeium#Complete"]()
end, { expr = true })
vim.keymap.set("i", "<C-x>", function()
return vim.fn["codeium#Clear"]()
end, { expr = true })
This file configures the nvim-tmux-navigation.vim plugin, providing keyboard shortcuts for navigating between tmux and nvim in an optimal way.
return {
This file configures the typescript-tools.nvim plugin, providing native Tsserver communication protocol with pure lua.
return {
dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "neovim/nvim-lspconfig" },
opts = {},
This file configures the plugin markdown-preview. To preview a mkd file, do :MarkdownPreview
return {
cmd = { "MarkdownPreviewToggle", "MarkdownPreview", "MarkdownPreviewStop" },
ft = { "markdown" },
build = function()
This file configures the plugin vim-fugitive for git management without leaving NVIM.
return {
This file configures the color scheme using the nvim plugin. The "kanagawa-dragon" theme with specific options is chosen. You can also choose catppucin or modus by changing the property colorscheme = "kanagawa-dragon"
. If you want a transparent background, use :TransparentEnable
, and NVIM will have extra opacity according to your terminal settings.
return {
name = "catppuccin",
lazy = false,
opts = {
transparent_background = true,
flavour = "mocha",
integrations = {
cmp = true,
gitsigns = true,
nvimtree = true,
treesitter = true,
notify = false,
mini = {
enabled = true,
indentscope_color = "",
-- For more plugins integrations please scroll down (
name = "modus",
priority = 1000,
name = "kanagawa",
opts = {
transparent_background = true,
priority = 1000,
opts = {
colorscheme = "kanagawa-dragon",
This file configures various plugins to enhance the editing experience, such as highlighting patterns in Markdown files and advanced search tools with Telescope.
1. **mini.hipatterns**:
- Plugin: `echasnovski/mini.hipatterns`
- Event: `BufReadPre`
- Configuration:
- Configures a highlighter for HSL colors. HSL colors in the code will be highlighted with a background color corresponding to the HSL color.
2. **git.nvim**:
- Plugin: `dinhhuy258/git.nvim`
- Event: `BufReadPre`
- Configuration:
- Configures keyboard shortcuts to open a blame window (`<Leader>gb`) and to open a file or folder in the Git repository (`<Leader>go`).
3. **telescope.nvim**:
- Plugin: `telescope.nvim`
- Dependencies: `nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim` and `nvim-telescope/telescope-file-browser.nvim`
- Configuration:
- Configures a series of keyboard shortcuts for various functionalities, such as searching for files, searching for a string in the current directory, listing open buffers, listing help tags, and resuming the previous telescope picker.
- Also configured to open a file browser with the path of the current buffer with `<Leader>sf`.
- Additional Configuration:
- Configures results to wrap, layout strategy to be horizontal, prompt position at the top, and sorting strategy to be ascending.
- Configures the diagnostics selector to have the "ivy" theme, initial mode to be "normal", and preview cutoff to be 9999.
- Configures the file browser to have the "dropdown" theme, hijack netrw and use it instead, and have its own mappings.
This file configures the harpoon plugin to facilitate navigation between marked files.
return {
lazy = false,
dependencies = {
branch = "harpoon2",
config = true,
A vim-vinegar like file explorer that lets you edit your filesystem like a normal Neovim buffer.
return {
opts = {},
-- Optional dependencies
dependencies = { "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons" },
-- to use press "-"
This file configures the Telescope plugin for advanced searches in files and other resources. It also includes the "telescope-life-grep-args" plugin which adds the possibility of adding arguments to live grep ";r"
return {
opts = {
defaults = {
layout_strategy = "vertical",
layout_config = { preview_cutoff = 6 },
dependencies = {
-- This will not install any breaking changes.
-- For major updates, this must be adjusted manually.
version = "^1.0.0",
config = function()
This file configures various plugins to enhance the user interface, including notifications, animations, buffer lines, and status lines.
1. **Noice.nvim**:
- Plugin: `folke/noice.nvim`
- Configuration:
- Adds a path to the noice configuration to filter notification messages with the text "No information available". These messages will be skipped.
- Sets autocmds to detect when the Neovim window gains or loses focus. This is used to determine if the interface is focused or not.
- Adds an additional path to display system notifications when Neovim loses focus.
2. **Nvim-notify**:
- Plugin: `rcarriga/nvim-notify`
- Configuration:
- Sets the background color and timeout for notifications.
3. **Mini.animate**:
- Plugin: `echasnovski/mini.animate`
- Configuration:
- Disables the scroll animation (`scroll`).
4. **Bufferline.nvim**:
- Plugin: `akinsho/bufferline.nvim`
- Configuration:
- Defines keyboard shortcuts to switch between tabs.
- Configures options to show icons and close tabs.
5. **Lualine.nvim**:
- Plugin: `nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim`
- Configuration:
- Configures the "catppuccin" theme for the status line.
6. **Incline.nvim**:
- Plugin: `b0o/incline.nvim`
- Configuration:
- Configures colors and visual options for highlighting file names in the status line.
7. **Zen-mode.nvim**:
- Plugin: `folke/zen-mode.nvim`
- Configuration:
- Configures keyboard shortcuts to activate "Zen Mode," which hides UI elements to focus on text editing.
8. **Dashboard-nvim**:
- Plugin: `nvimdev/dashboard-nvim`
- Configuration:
- Sets a custom logo for the Neovim startup dashboard.
This file defines some custom keymaps to improve navigation, text manipulation in insert mode and plugin shortcuts.
-- Keymaps are automatically loaded on the VeryLazy event
-- Default keymaps that are always set: Add any additional keymaps here
vim.keymap.set("i", "<C-d>", "<C-d>zz")
vim.keymap.set("i", "<C-u>", "<C-u>zz")
vim.keymap.set("i", "<C-b>", "<C-o>de")
----- Tmux Navigation ------
local nvim_tmux_nav = require("nvim-tmux-navigation")
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-h>", nvim_tmux_nav.NvimTmuxNavigateLeft)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-j>", nvim_tmux_nav.NvimTmuxNavigateDown)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-k>", nvim_tmux_nav.NvimTmuxNavigateUp)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-l>", nvim_tmux_nav.NvimTmuxNavigateRight)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-\\>", nvim_tmux_nav.NvimTmuxNavigateLastActive)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-Space>", nvim_tmux_nav.NvimTmuxNavigateNext)
local harpoon = require("harpoon")
local oil = require("oil")
----- OIL -----
vim.keymap.set("n", "-", "<CMD>Oil<CR>", { desc = "Open parent directory" })
-- Delete all buffers but the current one --
'<Esc>:%bdelete|edit #|normal`"<Return>',
{ desc = "Delete other buffers but the current one" }
----- HARPOON 2 -----
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>a", function()
end, { desc = "Add harpoon mark" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-e>", function()
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-M-h>", function()
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-M-j>", function()
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-M-k>", function()
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-M-l>", function()
-- Disable key mappings in insert mode
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "<A-j>", "<Nop>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "<A-k>", "<Nop>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
-- Disable key mappings in normal mode
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<A-j>", "<Nop>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<A-k>", "<Nop>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
-- Disable key mappings in visual block mode
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("x", "<A-j>", "<Nop>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("x", "<A-k>", "<Nop>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("x", "J", "<Nop>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("x", "K", "<Nop>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
This file configures the Kanagawa theme in the Kitty terminal, providing visual adjustments and keyboard shortcuts for tab navigation.
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:foldmethod=marker
#: Fonts {{{
font_family IosevkaTerm Nerd Font
font_size 14.0
#: Foreground and background colors.
background_opacity 0.95
# background_blur 0
## name: Kanagawa
## license: MIT
## author: Tommaso Laurenzi
## upstream:
background #0d0c0c
foreground #DCD7BA
selection_background #2D4F67
selection_foreground #C8C093
url_color #72A7BC
cursor #C8C093
# Tabs
active_tab_background #1F1F28
active_tab_foreground #C8C093
inactive_tab_background #1F1F28
inactive_tab_foreground #727169
#tab_bar_background #15161E
# normal
color0 #16161D
color1 #C34043
color2 #76946A
color3 #C0A36E
color4 #7E9CD8
color5 #957FB8
color6 #6A9589
color7 #C8C093
# bright
color8 #727169
color9 #E82424
color10 #98BB6C
color11 #E6C384
color12 #7FB4CA
color13 #938AA9
color14 #7AA89F
color15 #DCD7BA
# extended colors
color16 #FFA066
color17 #FF5D62
map cmd+1 goto_tab 1
map cmd+2 goto_tab 2
map cmd+3 goto_tab 3
map cmd+4 goto_tab 4
map cmd+5 goto_tab 5
map cmd+6 goto_tab 6
map cmd+7 goto_tab 7
map cmd+8 goto_tab 8
map cmd+9 goto_tab 9
# make option key work for alt-f / alt-b
macos_option_as_alt yes
This file provides the configuration for the Kanagawa theme in Neovim, using the IosevkaTerm Nerd Font with a font size of 14.0. It defines a carefully selected color palette to enhance the coding experience. The settings include tab styles for active and inactive tabs, along with key mappings for quick navigation between tabs.
git clone
cp -r Gentleman.Dots/GentlemanKitty/* ~/.config/kitty
Theme Details:
- Name: Kanagawa
- Author: Tommaso Laurenzi
- License: MIT
- Upstream Repository: Kanagawa.nvim
Note: The provided key mappings for navigating between tabs are configured as cmd+1
to cmd+9
Install HomeBrew:
brew install fish
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install fish
sudo dnf install fish
curl | fish
git clone
cp -r Gentleman.Dots/GentlemanFish/* ~/.config
Run omf install pj
Go to the file ~/.config/fish/fish_variables
and change the following variable to the path to your working folder with your projects:
SETUVAR --export PROJECT_PATHS: /YourWorkingPath
More information:
Run: fish_config theme save Kanagawa
When asked if you want to overwrite: Y
and then press enter
Contains configurations for the Tmux environment. To install and use it, follow these steps:
brew install tmux
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tmux
sudo dnf -y install tmux
git clone
Uncompress and remove after the "" inside the folder
cp -r Gentleman.Dots/GentlemanTmux/* ~/
tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf
<Ctrl-b> + I to load the plugins
if status is-interactive
and not set -q TMUX
exec tmux
Default Shell Configuration:
set-option -g default-shell /usr/bin/fish
Sets the default shell that Tmux will use as
. -
Plugin Configuration:
Other plugins used, such as the Tmux Plugin Manager (
) and default sensible plugins.set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tpm' set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-sensible' set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect' set -g @plugin 'christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator'
Note tmux-resurrect, which saves the session state so that it's not lost, is used by:
<Ctrl-b> + <Ctrl-s> to save the state <Ctrl-b> + <Ctrl-r> to restore the state
Note vim-tmux-navigator, which allows switching between splits in Vim and Tmux interchangeably using
:set -g @plugin 'christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator'
Configuration of the default terminal type and additional settings for scrolling.
set -g default-terminal "tmux-256color" set-option -ga terminal-overrides ",xterm*:Tc"
3. **Appearance Configuration for Windows and Panes:**
set -g @catppuccin_window_left_separator "█"
set -g @catppuccin_window_right_separator "█
set -g @catppuccin_window_number_position "right"
set -g @catppuccin_window_middle_separator " █"
set -g @catppuccin_window_default_fill "number"
set -g @catppuccin_window_current_fill "number"
set -g @catppuccin_window_current_text "#{pane_current_path}"
- Configuration of the appearance of windows and panes, including separators, number position, and text of the current window.
Status Bar Configuration:
set -g @catppuccin_status_modules "application session date_time" set -g @catppuccin_status_left_separator "" set -g @catppuccin_status_right_separator " " set -g @catppuccin_status_right_separator_inverse "yes" set -g @catppuccin_status_fill "all" set -g @catppuccin_status_connect_separator "no" set -g @catppuccin_directory_text "#{pane_current_path}"
- Configuration of modules and appearance of the status bar, including separators and text of the current directory.
Initialization of Tmux Plugin Manager (TPM):
run '~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm'
- Initiates the Tmux Plugin Manager. This command should be kept at the end of the Tmux configuration file.
Contains configurations for the Zellij environment made in Rust. To install and use it, follow these steps:
brew install zellij
Linux / OsX:
curl -sSf | sh -- install cargo
Then do:
cargo install --locked zellij -- install zellij
git clone
cp -r Gentleman.Dots/GentlemanZellij/* ~/.config
Do you forget your keybindings ? no worries just press Alt + y
and you can search the one you are missing !
Custom status bar which has been used for this configuration, you can see its use over the zellij/layouts/work.kdl
Configuration with fixes and colors to use Wezterm as your default terminal !
cd ~/.config
mkdir wezterm
cd wezterm
mkdir wezterm.lua
git clone
Mac / Linux
cp -r Gentleman.Dots/.wezterm.lua ~/.config/wezterm
cp -r Gentleman.Dots/.wezterm.lua %userprofile%
cp -r Gentleman.Dots/.wezterm.lua ~/.config/wezterm
Then you need to change the file name to "wezterm.lua" without the dot at the start
Enjoy your new Neovim development environment!