The bulk of this code follows the FastAPI guide and modified where need be.
- Dynamically updating DNS when a new host comes online.
- The host should only be able to update a specific record, not everything.
- The token is expected to only be used once per generation (or have a short lifetime).
- This will not cover the use case of having multiple IPs returned for a given record.
- Write some Python.
- Learn how to protect an endpoint.
- Keeping it simple for now. We do not need "Bigger Applications" design yet. Let's see this thing actually work first!
- Have unit tests
- Store the stateful data somewhere (e.g. sqlite)
- Better logging
- Filter out unknown scopes
- Filter out allowed scopes on what is allowed to be asked for
- IPv4 / A
- IPv6 / AAAA
- Token ID
Token ID
- Hostname record
Store the data in a DB (sqlite?)
User auth in with user/password --> Gets jwt with a scope to be able to make new update-record tokens --> Take jwt and request a new update-record token --> update-record token is then placed into VM --> On launch of new VM, use jwt to update dns record
/dns/token --> Check incoming token
This example, as long as you pass Authorization: Bearer
with nothing/anything, it will pass. Something that Depends(oauth2_scheme) is the "root" function that does all the heavy lifting of validing the token for expiration. Maybe even first pass of scope check."/dns/token")
async def get_dns_token(request: Annotated[TokenRequest, Depends()], token: Annotated[str, Depends(oauth2_scheme)] ):❮