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CommCare HQ in Docker

Initial setup


Install Docker. You should manage Docker as a non-root user.


Install Docker Desktop. It is available for Mac with Intel, and Mac with Apple silicon.

Running only services in Docker

There are two different localsettings configurations, depending on whether HQ is running inside a Docker container or on your local machine. If you are planning on doing local development, it is recommended to run HQ on your local machine, and use Docker only for supporting services.

If you want to run the HQ web worker, Celery and Pillowtop in Docker, see :ref:`running-services-and-hq`.

If you have any HQ services currently running (Couch, Postgres, Redis, etc.), you should stop them now.


$ scripts/docker up -d postgres couch redis elasticsearch5 zookeeper kafka minio

to build and start those Docker services in the background. (Omit -d to run them in the foreground.)

Once the services are all up (./scripts/docker ps to check) you can return to the CommCare HQ DEV_SETUP and set up your Django environment.

Running services and HQ in Docker

This setup is useful for running a CommCare HQ test environment, for example, if you want to build an integration with CommCare.

This setup is not recommended for local development, since you'll typically want more direct access to the Django process.


This setup is also not appropriate for production use because it runs a development web server, a development Celery worker, and the PostgreSQL database is not optimized for production.

  1. Clone commcare-hq, if you have not done so already:

    $ git clone
    $ cd commcare-hq
    $ git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. Build a Docker image using Dockerfile_incl, and tag it "commcare_incl":

    $ docker build -f Dockerfile_incl -t commcarehq_incl .
  3. Create and run service and HQ containers:

    $ scripts/docker runserver

    This will do the following:

    1. Build required images
    2. Run all the service containers
    3. Migrate the DB and sync the Couch views
    4. Bootstrap a superuser and domain if a superuser does not already exist:
    5. Run the Django dev server

You should be able to log into CommCare at http://localhost:8000 using the login details above.

On Mac, run docker-machine ip to get the VM's IP address, which replaces localhost in the URL.

You can create another user and domain with $ ./ make_superuser <email>

General usage

$ ./scripts/docker --help

The services

$ ./scripts/docker start
$ ./scripts/docker stop
$ ./scripts/docker logs postgres

The following services are included. Their ports are mapped to localhost so you can connect to them directly.

  • Elasticsearch (9200 & 9300)
  • PostgreSQL (5432)
  • CouchDB (5984)
  • Redis (6397)
  • Zookeeper (2181)
  • Kafka (9092)
  • MinIO (9980)

CommCare HQ and the services

$ ./scripts/docker runserver

Your Data

Your Docker data gets mounted based on the DOCKER_DATA_HOME variable.

By default on nix systems this will be **~/.local/share/dockerhq/* so if you need to manually manipulate data in your Docker volumes this is the place to do it.


You can destabilize your system if you manually edit data in this directory, so do so with care!


Travis also uses Docker to run the HQ test suite. To simulate the Travis build you can use the scripts/docker script.

  • Run Python tests:

    $ JS_SETUP=yes ./scripts/docker test
  • Run the JavaScript tests:

    $ TEST=javascript ./scripts/docker test
  • Run the Python sharded tests:

    $ TEST=python-sharded ./scripts/docker test
  • Run only corehq.apps.app_manager.tests.test_suite.SuiteTest:

    $ ./scripts/docker test corehq/apps/app_manager/tests/
  • Drop into a bash shell in the Docker web container from where you can run any other commands:

    $ ./scripts/docker bash
  • Remove all test containers and volumes:

    $ ./scripts/docker hqtest teardown

Environment variables

JS_SETUP=[ yes | no ]
Run yarn installs. (Default: "no")
TEST=[ javascript | python | python-sharded | python-sharded-and-javascript ]
  • javascript: Extra setup and config for JS tests. Also only run JS tests
  • python [default]: Run default tests
  • python-elasticsearch-v5: Configure Django for ES5 tests
  • python-sharded: Configure Django for sharded setup and only run subset of tests
  • python-sharded-and-javascript: Combines python-sharded and javascript. Also sends static analysis to Datadog if a job is a Travis "cron" event.
Only runs a subset of tests. See the ``pytest dividedwerun plugin``_ for exact options.
Same as normal REUSE_DB
DOCKER_HQ_OVERLAY=[ none | overlayfs | aufs ]
  • none: Mounts the commcare-hq directory read/write in the Docker container for direct access. This is the default when running in Travis.
  • overlayfs: Mounts the commcare-hq directory read-only in the Docker container and uses it as the "lowerdir" in an overlayfs mount to insulate the host OS data from being modified by the container.
  • aufs: [deprecated] Same behavior as overlayfs, only using Docker's aufs overlay engine instead of overlayfs. This is the default when not running in Travis.
Perform a recursive chmod on the commcare-hq overlay to ensure read access for cchq user. (Default: "no")
Set the metacopy=on mount option for the overlayfs mount (performance optimization, has security implications). (Default: "off")

See .travis.yml for environment variable options used on Travis.

Run containers with Podman instead of Docker

Podman 4.3 or later can be used to run HQ containers. Unlike docker, podman is daemonless and runs containers in rootless mode by default. Podman 4.x is available on recent versions of Ubuntu. Older versions, such as Ubuntu 22.04, require a third-party package repository.

Install Podman

sudo apt install podman podman-docker

echo 'export DOCKER_HOST=unix://$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/podman/podman.sock' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export DOCKER_SOCK=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/podman/podman.sock' >> ~/.bashrc

Create a podman wrapper script named docker with the following content somewhere on your PATH (~/.local/bin/docker may be a good place if it is on your PATH).

#! /usr/bin/bash
if [[ "$1" == compose ]]; then
    /usr/bin/docker-compose "$@"  # v1, installed by podman-docker
    podman "$@"

Start containers

./scripts/docker up -d