Here is a starting point for a potentially large collection of micro HOWTO guides. If you want to add a placeholder for a question without an answer, put it at the top (at header level 2) and we can fill in the gaps later.
There is a really useful AutoConfigurationReport
available in any
Spring Boot ApplicationContext
. You will see it automatically if a
context fails to start, and also if you enable DEBUG logging for
Spring Boot. If you use the Actuator there is also an endpoint
that renders the report in JSON. Use that to debug the
application and see what features have been added (and which not) by
Spring Boot at runtime.
Many more questions can be answered by looking at the source code and Javadocs. Some rules of thumb:
Look for classes called
and read their sources, in particular the@Conditional*
annotations to find out what features they enable and when. In those clases... -
Look for classes that are
) and read from there the available external configuration options. The@ConfigurationProperties
has aname
attribute which acts as a prefix to external properties, thusServerProperties
and its configuration properties areserver.port
etc. -
Look for use of
to pull configuration values explicitly out of theEnvironment
. It often is used with a prefix. -
Look for
annotations that bind directly to theEnvironment
. This is less flexible than theRelaxedEnvironment
approach, but does allow some relaxed binding, specifically for OS environment variables (soCAPITALS_AND_UNDERSCORES
are synonyms forperiod.separated
). -
Look for
annotations that switch features on and off in response to SpEL expressions, normally evaluated with placeholders resolved from theEnvironment
Any Spring @RestController
in a Spring Boot application should
render JSON response by default as long as Jackson2 is on the
classpath. For example:
public class MyController {
public MyThing thing() {
return new MyThing();
As long as MyThing
can be serialized by Jackson2 (e.g. a normal POJO
or Groovy object) then http://localhost:8080/thing
will serve a JSON
representation of it by default. Sometimes in a browser you might see
XML responses (but by default only if MyThing
was a JAXB object)
because browsers tend to send accept headers that prefer XML.
Spring MVC (client and server side) uses HttpMessageConverters
negotiate content conversion in an HTTP exchange. If Jackson is on the
classpath you already get a default converter with a vanilla
. Spring Boot has some features to make it easier to
customize this behaviour.
The smallest change that might work is to just add beans of type
to your context. They will be registered with the default
and then injected into the default message
converter. To replace the default ObjectMapper
completely, define a
of that type and mark it as @Primary
In addition, if your context contains any beans of type ObjectMapper
then all of the Module
beans will be registered with all of the
mappers. So there is a global mechanism for contributing custom
modules when you add new features to your application.
Finally, if you provide any @Beans
of type
then they will replace the
default value in the MVC configuration. Also, a convenience bean is
provided of type HttpMessageConverters
(always available if you use
the default MVC configuration) which has some useful methods to access
the default and user-enhanced message converters.
See also the section on HttpMessageConverters
and the WebMvcAutoConfiguration
source code for more details.
Spring uses HttpMessageConverters
to render @ResponseBody
responses from @RestControllers
). You can contribute additional
converters by simply adding beans of that type in a Spring Boot
context. If a bean you add is of a type that would have been included
by default anyway (like MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter
for JSON
conversions) then it will replace the default value. A convenience
bean is provided of type HttpMessageConverters
(always available if you
use the default MVC configuration) which has some useful methods to
access the default and user-enhanced message converters (useful, for
example if you want to manually inject them into a custom
As in normal MVC usage, any WebMvcConfigurerAdapter
beans that you
provide can also contribute converters by overriding the
method, but unlike with normal MVC, you
can supply only additional converters that you need (because Spring
Boot uses the same mechanism to contribute its defaults). Finally, if
you opt out of the Spring Boot default MVC configuration by providing
your own @EnableWebMvc
configuration, then you can take control
completely and do everything manually using getMessageConverters
from WebMvcConfigurationSupport
See the WebMvcAutoConfiguration
source code for more details.
, Filter
, ServletContextListener
and the other listeners
supported by the Servlet spec can be added to your application as
definitions. Be very careful that they don't cause eager
initialization of too many other beans because they have to be
installed in th container very early in the application lifecycle
(e.g. it's not a good idea to have them depend on your DataSource
JPA configuration). You can work around restrictions like that by
initializing them lazily when first used instead of on initialization.
In the case of Filters
and Servlets
you can also add mappings and
init parameters by adding a FilterRegistrationBean
instead of or as well as the underlying
Generally you can follow the advice here about
is the main one here),
but also look at EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer
and various
Tomcat specific *Customizers
that you can add in one of those. The
Tomcat APIs are quite rich so once you have access to the
you can modify it in a number
of ways. Or the nuclear option is to add your own
Tomcat 8 works with Spring Boot, but the default is to use Tomcat 7 (so we can support Java 1.6 out of the box). You should only need to change the classpath to use Tomcat 8 for it to work. The websocket sample shows you how to do that in Maven.
Generally you can follow the advice here about
is the main one here),
but also look at EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer
. The Jetty APIs
are quite rich so once you have access to the
you can modify it in a number
of ways. Or the nuclear option is to add your own
Jetty 9 works with Spring Boot, but the default is to use Jetty 8 (so we can support Java 1.6 out of the box). You should only need to change the classpath to use Jetty 9 for it to work.
If you are using the starter poms and parent you can just add the Jetty starter and change the version properties, e.g. for a simple webapp or service:
Add a EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer
and in that add a
that sets up the connector to be secure:
public EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer containerCustomizer(){
return new EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer() {
public void customize(ConfigurableEmbeddedServletContainerFactory factory) {
if(factory instanceof TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory){
TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory containerFactory = (TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory) factory;
containerFactory.addConnectorCustomizers(new TomcatConnectorCustomizer() {
public void customize(Connector connector) {
connector.setAttribute("keyAlias", "tomcat");
connector.setAttribute("keystorePass", "password");
try {
connector.setAttribute("keystoreFile", ResourceUtils.getFile("src/ssl/tomcat.keystore").getAbsolutePath());
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot load keystore", e);
connector.setAttribute("clientAuth", "false");
connector.setAttribute("sslProtocol", "TLS");
connector.setAttribute("SSLEnabled", true);
If you are using Thymeleaf, then set
. See ThymeleafAutoConfiguration
other template customization options.
Modern IDEs (Eclipse, IDEA etc.) all support hot swapping of bytecode, so if you make a change that doesn't affect class or method signatures it should reload cleanly with no side effects.
Spring Loaded goes
a little further in that it can reload class definitions with changes
in the method signatures. With some customization it can force an
to refresh itself (but there is no general
mechanism to ensure that would be safe for a running application
anyway, so it would only ever be a development time trick probably).
has methods specifically designed for the purpose of building a
hierarchy, e.g.
SpringApplicationBuilder application = new SpringApplicationBuilder();
There are some restrictions, e.g. the parent aplication context is
not a WebApplicationContext
. Both parent and child are executed
with the same Environment
constructed in the usual way to include
command line arguments. Any ServletContextAware
components all have
to go in the child context, otherwise there is no way for Spring Boot
to create the ServletContext
in time.
For a non-web application it should be easy (throw away the code that
creates your ApplicationContext
and replace it with calls to
or SpringApplicationBuilder
). Spring MVC web
applications are generally amenable to first creating a deployable WAR
application, and then migrating it later to an executable WAR and/or
JAR. Useful reading is in the
Getting Started Guide on Converting a JAR to a WAR.
Create a deployable WAR by extending SpringBootServletInitializer
(e.g. in a class called Application
), and add the Spring Boot
annotation. Example:
public class Application extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder application) {
return application.sources(Application.class);
Remember that whatever you put in the "sources" is just a Spring
and normally anything that already works should
work here. There might be some beans you can remove later and let
Spring Boot provide its own defaults for them, but it should be
possible to get something working first.
Static resources can be moved to /public
(or /static
or /META-INFO/resources
) in the classpath root. Same
(Spring Boot detects this automatically in
the root of the classpath).
Vanilla usage of Spring DispatcherServlet
and Spring Security should
require no further changes. If you have other features in your
application, using other servlets or filters, for instance then you
may need to add some configuration to your Application
replacing those elements from the web.xml
as follows:
of typeServlet
installs that bean in the container as if it was a<servlet/>
of typeFilter
behaves similarly (like a<filter/>
. -
in an XML file can be added to an@Import
in yourApplication
. Or simple cases where annotation configuration is heavily used already can be recreated in a few lines as@Bean
Once the WAR is working we make it executable by adding a main
method to our Application
, e.g.
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Applications can fall into more than one category:
- Servlet 3.0 applications with no
- Applications with a
- Applications with a context hierarchy and
- Those without a context hierarchy
All of these should be amenable to translation, but each might require slightly different tricks.
Servlet 3.0 applications might translate pretty easily if they already
use the Spring Servlet 3.0 initializer support classes. Normally all
the code from an existing WebApplicationInitializer
can be moved
into a SpringBootServletInitializer
. If your existing application
has more than one ApplicationContext
(e.g. if it uses
) then you might be able to
squish all your context sources into a single SpringApplication
. The
main complication you might encounter is if that doesn't work and you
need to maintain the context hierarchy. See the
entry on building a hierarchy for examples. An
existing parent context that contains web-specific features will
usually need to be broken up so that all the ServletContextAware
components are in the child context.
Applications that are not already Spring applications might be convertible to a Spring Boot application, and the guidance above might help, but your mileage may vary.
Spring Boot by default will serve static content from a folder called
(or /public
or or /resources
or /META-INF/resources
in the classpath or from the root of the ServeltContext
. It uses
the ResourceHttpRequestHandler
from Spring MVC so you can modify
that behaviour by adding your own WebMvcConfigurerAdapter
overriding the addResourceHandlers
By default in a standalone web application the default servlet from
the container is also enabled, and acts as a fallback, serving content
from the root of the ServletContext
if Spring decides not to handle
it. Most of the time this will not happen unless you modify the
deafult MVC configuration because Spring will always be able to handle
requests through the DispatcherServlet
In addition to the 'standard' static resource locations above, a
special case is made for
Webjars content. Any resources with a path
in /webjars/**
will be served from jar files if they are packaged in
the Webjars format.
For more detail look at the
source code.
Spring Boot wants to serve all content from the root of your
application "/" down. If you would rather map your own servlet to that
URL you can do it, but of course you may lose some of the other Boot
MVC features. To add your own servlet and map it to the root resource
just declare a @Bean
of type Servlet
and give it the special bean
name "dispatcherServlet". (You can also create a bean of a different
type with that name if you want to switch it off and not replace it.)
The easiest way to take complete control over MVC configuration is to
provide your own @Configuration
with the @EnableWebMvc
annotation. This will leave all MVC configuration in your hands.
In a standalone application the main HTTP port defaults to 8080, but
can be set with server.port
(e.g. in
or as
a System property). Thanks to relaxed binding of Environment
you can also use SERVER_PORT
(e.g. as an OS environment variable).
To switch off the HTTP endpoints completely, but
still create a WebApplicationContext
, use server.port=-1
(this is
sometimes useful for testing).
For more detail look at the
source code.
To scan for a free port (using OS natives to prevent clashes) use
You can access the port the server is running on from log output or
from the EmbeddedWebApplicationContext
via its
. The best way to get that and be sure that
it has initialized is to add a @Bean
of type
pull the container out of the event wehen it is published.
In a standalone application the Actuator HTTP port defaults to the
same as the main HTTP port. To make the application listen on a
different port set the external property management.port
. To listen
on a completely different network address (e.g. if you have an
internal network for management and an external one for user
applications) you can also set management.address
to a valid IP
address that the server is able to bind to.
For more detail look at the
source code.
The Actuator installs a "whitelabel" error page that you will see in
browser client if you encounter a server error (machine clients
consuming JSON and other media types should see a sensible response
with the right error code). To switch it off you can set
, but normally in addition or
alternatively to that you will want to add your own error page
replacing the whitelabel one. If you are using Thymeleaf you can do
this by adding an "error.html" template. In general what you need is a
that resolves with a name of "error", and/or a @Controller
that handles the "/error" path. Unless you replaced some of the
default configuration you should find a BeanNameViewResolver
in your
so a @Bean
with id "error" would be a simple
way of doing that. Look at ErrorMvcAutoConfiguration
for more
Web applications will be secure by default (with Basic authentication
on all endpoints) if Spring Security is on the classpath. To add
method-level security to a web application you can simply
with your desired settings.
The default AuthenticationManager
has a single user (username "user"
and password random, printed at INFO when the application starts
up). You can change the password by providing a
. This and other useful properties are
externalized via SecurityProperties
If you provide a @Bean
of type AuthenticationManager
the default
one will not be created, so you have the full feature set of Spring
Security available
(e.g. various authentication options).
Some people like to use (for example) --port=9000
instead of
to set configuration properties on the command
line. You can easily enable this by using placeholders in
, e.g.
server.port: ${port:8080}
Note that in this specific case the port binding will work in a PaaS environment like Heroku and Cloud Foundry, since in those two platforms the
environment variable is set automatically and Spring can bind to capitalized synonyms forEnvironment
Spring Boot has no mandatory logging dependence, except for the
API, of which there are many implementations to
choose from. To use Logback you need to
include it, and some bindings for commons-logging
on the classpath.
The simplest way to do that is through the starter poms which all
depend on spring-boot-start-logging
. For a web application you only
need the web starter since it depends transitively on the logging
starter. E.g. in Maven:
Spring Boot has a LoggingSystem
abstraction that attempts to select
a system depending on the contents of the classpath. If Logback is
available it is the first choice. So if you put a logback.xml
in the
root of your classpath it will be picked up from there. Spring Boot
provides a default base configuration that you can include if you just
want to set levels, e.g.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<include resource="org/springframework/boot/logging/logback/base.xml"/>
<logger name="org.springframework.web" level="DEBUG"/>
If you look at the default logback.xml
in the spring-boot JAR you
will see that it uses some useful System properties which the
takes care of creating for you. These are:
the current process ID${LOG_FILE}
was set in Boot's external configuration${LOG_PATH
was set (representing a directory for log files to live in)
Spring Boot also provides some nice ANSI colour terminal output on a
console (but not in a log file) using a custom Logback converter. See
the default base.xml
configuration for details.
If Groovy is on the classpath you should be able to configure Logback
with logback.groovy
as well (it will be given preference if
Spring Boot supports Log4j for
logging configuration, but it has to be on the classpath. If you are
using the starter poms for assembling dependencies that means you have
to exclude logback and then include log4j back. If you aren't using
the starter poms then you need to provide commons-logging
(at least)
in addition to Log4j.
The simplest path to using Log4j is probably through the starter poms, even though it requires some jiggling with excludes, e.g. in Maven:
Note the use of the log4j starter to gather together the dependencies
for common logging requirements (e.g. including having Tomcat use
but configure the output using Log4j). See the
Actuator Log4j Sample for more detail and to see it in action.
A Spring Boot application is just a Spring ApplicationContext
nothing very special has to be done to test it beyond what you would
normally do with a vanilla Spring context. One thing to watch out for
though is that the external properties, logging and other features of
Spring Boot are only installed in the context by default if you use
to create it. Spring Boot has a special Spring
annotation, so you can use this for example
(from the JPA Sample):
@SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = SampleDataJpaApplication.class)
public class CityRepositoryIntegrationTests {
CityRepository repository;
To use the @SpringApplicationConfiguration
you need the test jar on
your classpath (recommended Maven co-ordinates
"org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test"). The context
loader guesses whether you want to test a web application or not
(e.g. with MockMVC
) by looking for the @WebAppConfiguration
annotation. (MockMVC
and @WebAppConfiguration
are from the Spring
Test support library).
A SpringApplication
has bean properties (mainly setters) so you can
use its Java API as you create the application to modify its
behaviour. Or you can externalize the configuration using properties
in spring.main.*
. E.g. in
you might have
spring.main.web_environment: false
spring.main.show_banner: false
and then the Spring Boot banner will not be printed on startup, and the application will not be a web application.
Not all Spring applications have to be web applications (or web
services). If you want to execute some code in a main
method, but
also bootstrap a Spring application to set up the infrastructure to
use, then it's easy with the SpringApplication
features of Spring
Boot. A SpringApplication
changes its ApplicationContext
depending on whether it thinks it needs a web application or not. The
first thing you can do to help it is to just leave the web
depdendencies off the classpath. If you can't do that (e.g. you are
running 2 applications from the same code base) then you can
explicitly call SpringApplication.setWebEnvironment(false)
, or set
the applicationContextClass
property (through the Java API or with
external properties). Application code that you
want to run as your business logic can be implemented as a
and dropped into the context as a @Bean
Use the SpringBootServletInitializer
base class, which is picked up
by Spring's Servlet 3.0 support on deployment. Add an extension of
that to your project and build a WAR file as normal. For more detail,
see the "Converting a JAR Project to a WAR" guide on the website.
The WAR file can also be executable if you use the Spring Boot build
tools. In that case the embedded container classes (to launch Tomcat
for instance) have to be added to the WAR in a lib-provided
directory. The tools will take care of that as long as the
dependencies are marked as "provided" in Maven or Gradle. Here's a
Maven example
in the Boot Samples.
Older Servlet containers don't have support for the
bootstrap process used in Servlet 3.0. You
can still use Spring and Spring Boot in these containers but you are
going to need to add a web.xml
to your application and configure it
to load an ApplicationContext
via a DispatcherServlet
TODO: add some detail.
Spring Boot will create a DataSource
for you if you have
and some other things on the classpath. Here's the
algorithm for choosing a specific implementation.
- We prefer the Tomcat pooling
for its performance and concurrency, so if that is available we always choose it. - If commons-dbcp is available we will use that, but we don't recommend it in production.
- If neither of those is available but an embedded database is then we create one of those for you (preference order is h2, then Apache Derby, then hsqldb).
The pooling DataSource
option is controlled by external
configuration properties in spring.datasource.*
for example:
spring.datasource.url: jdbc:mysql://localhost/test
spring.datasource.username: root
spring.datasource.driverClassName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
The @ConfigurationProperties
for spring.datasource
are defined in
(so see there for more options).
For a pooling DataSource
to be created we need to be able to verify
that a valid Driver
class is available, so we check for that before
doing anything. I.e. if you set
then that
class has to be loadable.
To override the default settings just define a @Bean
of your own of
type DataSource
. See
for more details.
Spring Data can create implementations for you of @Repository
interfaces of various flavours. Spring Boot will handle all of that
for you as long as those @Repositories
are included in a
For many applications all you will need is to put the right Spring
Data dependencies on your classpath (there is a
"spring-boot-starter-data-jpa" for JPA and for Mongodb you only nee
dto add "spring-datamongodb"), create some repository interfaces to
handle your @Entity
objects, and then add a @ComponentScan
covers those packages. Examples are in the
JPA sample
or the
Mongodb sample.
Spring JPA already provides some vendor-independent configuration options (e.g. for SQL logging) and Spring Boot exposes those, and a few more for hibernate as external configuration properties. The most common options to set are
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto: create-drop
spring.jpa.hibernate.naming_strategy: org.hibernate.cfg.ImprovedNamingStrategy
spring.jpa.database: H2 true
(Because of relaxed data binding hyphens or underscores should work
equally well as property keys.) The ddl-auto
setting is a special
case in that it has different defaults depending on whether you are
using an embedded database ("create-drop") or not ("none"). In
addition all properties in*
are passed
through as normal JPA properties (with the prefix stripped) when the
local EntityManagerFactory
is created.
for more details.
Spring Boot binds external properties from
(or .yml
) (and other places) into an application at runtime. There
is not (and technically cannot be) an exhaustive list of all supported
properties in a single location because contributions can come from
additional JAR files on your classpath. There is a sample
with a non-exhaustive and possibly inaccurate list of properties
supported by Spring Boot vanilla with autoconfiguration. The
definitive list comes from searching the source code for
and @Value
annotations, as well as the
occasional use of RelaxedEnvironment
(c.f. here).
The Spring Environment
has an API for this, but normally you would
set a System profile (
) or an OS environment
). E.g. launch your application with
a -D...
argument (remember to put it before the main class or jar
java -jar demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
In Spring Boot you can also set the active profile in
, e.g. production
A value set this way is replaced by the System property or environment
variable setting, but not by the SpringApplicationBuilder.profiles()
method. Thus the latter Java API can be used to augment the profiles
without changing the defaults.
By default properties from different sources are added to the Spring
in a defined order, and the precedence for resolution is
- commandline, 2) filesystem (current working directory)
, 3)
A nice way to augment and modify this is to add @PropertySource
annotations to your application sources. Classes passed to the
static convenience methods, and those added using
are inspected to see if they have @PropertySources
and if they do those properties are added to the Environment
enough to be used in all phases of the ApplicationContext
lifecycle. Properties added in this way have precendence over any
added using the default locations, but have lower priority than system
properties, environment variables or the command line.
You can also provide System properties (or environment variables) to change the behaviour:
), defaults toapplication
as the root of the file namespring.config.location
) is file to load (e.g. a classpath resource or a URL). A separateEnvironment
property source is set up for this document and it can be overridden by system properties, environment variables or the command line.
No matter what you set in the environment, Spring Boot will always
as described above. If YAML is used then
files with the ".yml" extension are also added to the list by default.
See ConfigFileApplicationListener
for more detail.
YAML is a superset of JSON and as such is a very convenient syntax for storing external properties in a hierarchical format. E.g.
name: cruncher
driverClassName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost/test
port: 9000
Create a file called application.yml
and stick it in the root of
your classpath, and also add snake-yaml
to your classpath (Maven
co-ordinates org.yaml:snake-yaml
). A YAML file is parsed to a Java
(like a JSON object), and Spring Boot flattens
the maps so that it is 1-level deep and has period-separated keys, a
lot like people are used to with Properties
files in Java.
The example YAML above corresponds to an
file cruncher
spring.datasource.driverClassName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
spring.datasource.url: jdbc:mysql://localhost/test
server.port: 9000
A YAML file is actually a sequence of documents separated by ---
lines, and each document is parsed separately to a flattened map.
If a YAML document contains a spring.profiles
key, then the
profiles value (comma-separated list of profiles) is fed into the
Spring Environment.acceptsProfiles()
and if any of those profiles is
active that document is included in the final merge (otherwise not).
port: 9000
profiles: development
port: 9001
profiles: production
port: 0
In this example the default port is 9000, but if the Spring profile "development" is active then the port is 9001, and if "production" is active then it is 0.
The YAML documents are merged in the order they are encountered (so later values override earlier ones).
To do the same thing with properties files you can use
to specify profile-specific
A SpringApplication
has ApplicationListeners
that are used to apply customizations
to the context or environment. Spring Boot loads a number of such
customizations for use internally from
. There is more than one way to register
additional ones:
- programmatically per application by calling the
methods onSpringApplication
before you run it - declaratively per application by setting
- declarative for all applications by adding a
and packaging a jar file that the applications all use as a library
Any ApplicationContextInitializer
registered programmatically or via
that is also an ApplicationListener
will be
automatically cross registered (and vice versa for listeners that are
also initializers). The SpringApplication
sends some special
to the listeners (even some before the context is
created), and then registers the listeners for events published by the
as well:
at the start of a run, but before any processing except the registration of listeners and initializers.SpringApplicationEnvironmentAvailableEvent
when theEnvironment
to be used in the context is known, but before the context is created.SpringApplicationBeforeRefreshEvent
just before the refresh is started, but after bean definitions have been loaded.SpringApplicationErrorEvent
if there is an exception on startup.
To build with Ant you need to grab dependencies and compile and then create a JAR or WAR archive as normal. To make it executable:
Use the appropriate launcher as a
for a JAR file, and specify the other stuff it needs as manifest entries, principally aStart-Class
. -
Add the runtime dependencies in a nested "lib" directory (for a JAR) and the "provided" (embedded container) dependencies in a nested "lib-provided" directory. Remember not to compress the entries in the archive.
Add the
classes at the root of the archive (so theMain-Class
is available).
<target name="build" depends="compile">
<copy todir="target/classes/lib">
<fileset dir="lib/runtime" />
<jar destfile="target/spring-boot-sample-actuator-${spring-boot.version}.jar" compress="false">
<fileset dir="target/classes" />
<fileset dir="src/main/resources" />
<zipfileset src="lib/loader/spring-boot-loader-jar-${spring-boot.version}.jar" />
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher" />
<attribute name="Start-Class" value="${start-class}" />
The Actuator Sample has a build.xml
that should work if you run
it with
$ ant -lib <path_to>/ivy-2.2.jar
after which you can run the application with
$ java -jar target/*.jar