This is an app for conducting and recording interviews.
All the page transitions are logged making it possible to tell where in the recording a particular question is being answered.
The second half of this project will be a website that annotates the audio timeline with the page the interviewer is on, and that makes it possible to search through recordings for responces to particular questions.
interview_app -- application root
interviews -- interview definitions
interview_data -- collected data
interview_data/[interivew name]/[session id].amr
interview_data/[interivew name]/[session id].json
interview_data/[interivew name]/[session id].[tagger id].tags.json
Cordova has a Media object can handle recording, however recording in the browser would require a different mechanism:
Also, the cordova media object outputs different formats on different platforms.
For playback from the cloud we'll probably need to download audio through the dropbox api as data. I hope datauris are supported for audio.
If encryption turns out to be necessairy we can encrypt audio in JS prior to saving with this library.
- Make page links open a menu in explorer, with options to view the original question or filter by it?
- Add recording notice, and don't record during start form.
- Older adroid device does not seem to be seeking correctly.
- Playback and recording in traditional browsers?
- Does everything
- But no interview guide tool and does not appear to have cloud functionality. (This is useful because there will probably be multiple reviewers).
- Expensive (500 euros and above, free version limits amount of data)
- Mobile app but no apparent integration with interview guide
- About as expensive as Atlas
I think it would be a good idea to look into integrating with Atlas/Max for complex use cases, but to try to keep the core interviewing app simple enough for people to just pick up and use without having to spend time learning how it works.
ODK Collect with audio inputs
- Each question must be recorded individually.
- Pen may have some limitations in data exploration area.
- It may also have benefits (full text search)
- It has a greater cost if you already have a device.
- The interaction seems very different. I think some amount of study would be necessairy for full comparison.