A pure Elixir consistent hash ring implemention based on the excellent C hash-ring lib by Chris Moos.
It does not try to performantly build the hash ring, but provides fast node lookup. It deliberately does not provide encapsulation
within a GenServer
and leaves that up to the user. At Discord we found using a GenServer
for such
frequently accessed data proved to be overwhelming so we rewrote the hash ring in pure Elixir and paired it with
FastGlobal to allow the calling process to use it's CPU time to interact with
the hash ring and therefore avoiding overloading a central GenServer.
Add it to mix.exs
defp deps do
[{:ex_hash_ring, "~> 1.0"}]
Create a new HashRing.
ring = HashRing.new
{:ok, ring} = HashRing.add_node(ring, "a")
{:ok, ring} = HashRing.add_node(ring, "b")
Find the node for a key.
"a" = HashRing.find_node(ring, "key1")
"b" = HashRing.find_node(ring, "key3")
Hash Ring is released under the MIT License. Check LICENSE file for more information.