The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
A Django content management system focused on flexibility and user experience
A configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response.
A set of tools to keep your pinned Python dependencies fresh.
💨 Fast, Async-ready, Openapi, type hints based framework for building APIs
A lightweight, object-oriented finite state machine implementation in Python with many extensions
Django styleguide used in HackSoft projects
Prometheus instrumentation library for Python applications
The open source repository for Electricity Maps App and data parsers that enables a real-time visualisation of the CO2 emissions of electricity consumption
Utilities for implementing a modified pre-order traversal tree in django.
The successor to this repository is actively maintained at Its source code is not available
Transparently use webpack with django
Django friendly finite state machine support
Automated image processing for Django. Currently v4.0
TensorFlow for Raspberry Pi
Open source vulnerability DB and triage service.
Mixer -- Is a fixtures replacement. Supported Django, Flask, SqlAlchemy and custom python objects.
A set of high-level abstractions for Django forms
Django app to manage following and bi-directional friendships
A simple Python module for parsing human names into their individual components