This is a Dockerfile to set up Shinken. Sets up:
- Webui with sqlite for user preferences storage
Add any other nagios plugins packages (e.g. nagios-snmp-plugins) to the apt-get install line in the Dockerfile if desired.
# docker build -t shinken .
Create config volume:
# docker create -v /etc/shinken -v /var/log/shinken -v /var/lib/shinken --name shinken_config ubuntu
Systemd service file is also available.
# docker run -d --volumes-from shinken_config -p 7767:7767 --name shinken_run shinken
If additional modules/packs need to be installed, you can run the shinken container in interactive mode. When using the shinken command, use the -c $SHINKEN_CONFIG flag. That env variable is set in the Dockerfile and should point to a location in the shinken_config volume.
# docker run -it --rm --volumes-from shinken_config -p 7767:7767 shinken /bin/bash # shinken -c $SHINKEN_CONFIG install xxxx