Run tests using phpunit binary using the phpunit.xml configuration file
# from the PrestaShop root folder
php -d date.timezone=UTC ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c tests/Integration/phpunit.xml
Run tests using behat binary using the right behat.yml configuration file
# from the PrestaShop root folder
php -d date.timezone=UTC ./vendor/bin/behat -c tests/Integration/Behaviour/behat.yml
You can add a new test in one of the feature files or create a new feature file. It must use the gherkin syntax.
If you create new steps, you can add them to one of the available FeatureContext if the step belongs
to it or create a new FeatureContext if you think it should be a dedicated file. In this case, update the
file to include your new Context.
FeatureContexts are split by features: cart steps should go into CartFeatureContext.
This tests are powered by behat.
To sum it up:
- features file are being parsed by behat following gherkin syntax
- behat matches each scenario step with a regular expression that must be provided in one the available feature contexts
- the regexp indicates a php function to be run by behat
- behat provides hooking capabilities to handle the test lifecycle (application boot, database reset, cache clear...)
Feature files are stored in Features
FeatureContext files are stored in Features/Context
folder. They must extend
the AbstractPrestaShopFeatureContext
that provide the setup necessary to perform
tests on PrestaShop.